Chap.27. An Expofition upon the Book, of J o B. Vcrf.I 3. JJJ was not fo much the vain poor things of the world ( though that be a truth ) But bow long will ye love vanity ? is, how long will ye oppofe me in my Reign and Government ? how long will ye rcfiRthat honour anddignity which God bath belfowed upon me ? you fet pout felves againfi that which God bath fet up : this is to love vanity ; you reproach and fcorn me, you make me your Fong, upon whom God bath faflued honour and glory. David doth not fpeak this vauntingly and boat-tingly , as Nebuchadnezzar did, It not this great Babel that 1 have built for theglory ofany Majefty ? ttcc. But he fpeaks it according to the truth of God inhis dealings with him ; How long will ye turn my glory intofhame, and love vanity ? mat oppofe :me and my State, and feakaftar leafing ; that is, raife flánders and rate re- portsconcerning me. This I underfland to be the meaning of vanity in that place. And as Davidcalls it a vanity to oppofe him in his reign and power over the bodies of men, fo to oppofe the power and reign ofany truthover the fpirits and confciences ofmen, whether our ownor others,is a moll vain thing, and they are become onofi vain whodo it. This is vain as`to the finfulnefs of the aa, and it is vain as to the fruitlefneffe and inefficacy of the a , for truth will prevail and get the upper hand, that which Godbath fet up flail Rand. As be faid in the Acts, if this thingbeof God, take heed ye be not fighters againft God, if it be not ofGod it will downe, but if it be of God, be not fo vain to light againff it, if you do, you will have theworf end of the Uaf£equickly ; your Fruira rempus argumentswill be vain, and your rofons will be vain, yea with- canfucritis et out repentance, you will draw vanity, that is, trouble upon your me obtandïr1,, own p-rfons. attempt only you Your h will be vain, not becaufe. canto. attainyour end, and have that Yncceffe which you look for, but y.ï.; attempt will be vain asdraftier, that trouble, yea andvexatimü upon your felves, which ye looked not for ; and to do fo is indeed to be altogether vain. Vetf. T 3. This is theportionof a wickedmans with God, and the heritage of oppreffors, which they pall receive of the Almighty: Now3ob comesoto- fpeak to the poynt it felf,:having laid down his cautionoby way of preface in thefe two verfet... S 2 There