Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

136 Chap.27. An Expofition upon the Book of J o s., Verf.r; Obferve;; The wrath and mifery that falls upon wicked men, both in time and to eternity, te with God. It is in his decrees and appoyntments. As all the merciesand good things which godly men receive are with God, fo likewife are all the puni(hments of the ungodly. He brings All his admini- firations out of the treaCuryof his own counfets Aid that's the reafonwhy they (hall certainly receive accordingly, For thecoun- fas ofthe Lord(hallEland, and the thoughts of btc heart to all gent- rations,( Pal. 33.'r z.) Jefus Chri(i himfeif did therefore un- dergoe all thole forrows, becaufe they were with God : he re- ceived at his fathers hand the bitter cup, becaufe it washis deter- minate counfel he fhould do fo ( 4îïs2.23.) and therefore he faid (Heb. zo. 7.) Loe I come (in the volume of thy book it is written ofme) to doe tby will ; todo it in this, to drink the bit- ter cup. Now ifJefus Chri(f couldnot avoyd that cup ( though he urged to the utmofathat he might be fpared) becaufe it was withhis Father, his purpofe was that he (hould drink it for our fakes. Thus finely wickedtren (hall receive that portionwhich is with God for them , and the heritage which he bath ap- poynted. Laf}ly, Job feems to fpeak it Emphatically, Which they fhalt receive from the Almighty, Petting the Almighty handling the op- preffor,inoppofition to man. As if he had faid, The oppreffour wasfo mighty that he received noflab heritage from men, noman could touch him, nor meddle with him, nor bring him to a reckon.. ing; But theAlmighty will reckon with him, This is the heritage which be.hallreceiveof the Almighty, Hence Note ; Though wicked men may a reckoning among men, yet they cannot efcape a reckoning with God, the Almighty God. Let none think themfelves difcharged, becaufe they are freed from the hands of men, let none think themfelves fife, becaufe they are out ofthe danger of the creature, becaufe they are fo (heltered and firengthned, that none can approach to them to give them their portion ; for from the hand of the Almighty.they (hall receive it. The might of the mightieff, the fircngth of the firongefi,