Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap.27. An Expoftion upon the Bookof Jo B. Verf,a 3. t 37 firongefi, the wit of the wifeff, the highneffe of the higheff, all there are noshing to the power, wifdome, ffrength, and highneffe of Clod.. Wickedmen often refill the will of Cod in that which he commands them to doe,they refill and doe it nor; wickedmen refits the will of God much more in that which he appoynteth them ro fuffer, but though they refifr, they muff fuffer it. There is pride and flubbornnefs enough in the bean of man,to throwoff the prxcepcive part of the Law, but there is not power enough in the hand of any man to throw off the poenal part of the Law; the laws of Godare not ( as fome have compared the laws of men ) like Spiders webs, which catch and hold. Ryes only, or fuch like weaker creatures ; but the lawes ofGod arc like chaises of Iron abl_ to hold the Eaglesand the Lyons, yea the Leviathans of this wortd,who King it over all the children of pcïde. Woe to him that iirivetbwith his maker (faith the Prophet, I14, 45. 9.) either re- Rffing hisword, or his wocès, his dire&ions or difpenfations, whether towards others or him elfe ; .Let the potfheard ( as it there follows, and the: bell of men tv- no better )flrive with the Fatheads of theearth, that is, with menlike themfelves ;let them meddlewith their match, and nor with the Almighty ; let them take heed how they enter the lifisand undertake the combate with him, with whom they cannot in the leali make theft party good, but (hall be brokenas the pottersvetlel with an iron rod. How much foever the oppreffor firiveth, he (hall be oppreffed Ind ashe bath taken away the heritages of others, fo he (hall re- ceive his heritage of the Almighty. Thus farce yob bath Pet it down only in genera!, that the oppreffor hath anheritage to receive, but is the following part of the Chapter , he tells us, what this heritageis which he (hall re- ceive. And it is avery fad and miferable one ; Ifhie Children be meeltiplye,(a it tofar the fiverd, Etc, F JOE,