Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

i;$ Chap.27. An Expófition repo; the Book of Jos. Verf.i4, J O B, Chap. Verf. 1., 15, i6, 17. if his children be multiplyed, it if for thefword :and his offfpring!hall not be fatiledwith bread. Thofe that remaine of him(hall be buriedin death : and his widdot'es pall not weepe. Though he heap up flyer as the duft,andprepare ray nient as the clay TIe may prepare it,lut thefußJhallput it on,and the innocent(halldivide theßlver. IN the former verfe job fpake only in general!, This slakeporti.. on of a wicked man with God, and the heritage of opprefrs, which they (hall receiveof theAlmigbty.In thiscontext and fo for- ward to the end of the Chapter , he gives us a parricular of the . portion of a wicked man, and telleth usdiftin&ly what he bath reafon to expe&,as the lot of bis inheritance. We may reduce his whole difcourfe about it unto thefe two heads. !t ìrft , What punifhment (hall be the portion of his pofterityô. Secondly, What (hall behis own. The punishment that ¡hall be the portion of his pofterity,isde-: fcribed from this i4th to the i9th verfe. And that uponhis own perfon, beginning at the 9th verfe, concludes the Chapter.. The words in hand ¡hew the judgment of God upon a wicked mans pofterity. Verfe i 4. If his children be mtaltiplyed, it is for the fword s and his of f fpring (hall not befatisfir..dwith bread. We have foure or five feveraÌl punifhments afligned his chil- dren in thefe words, and thofc which follow. Firfl , the Sword. if his children be ennitiplyid, it isfor the (word. Secondly ,Famine_ and bis o fpring fball not be fatisfiedwith bread. Both in the i4; -h verfe. Thirdly, The Plague ; Thofe that remaineofhim (hall be bsirieil indeath, in the former part of the 15th verfe. Fourthly , An ignorniniou;buriall his children (hall dye .in- d;