Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

, Cbap.27. 4*Exploiters upon tilt .800k of j O Bs Verf.r5. worfe than the hunger of the flomacke. So/omen gives us the. chaster Of fuchs perfon, (Ecclef. 4, 8.) There itone alose,and tbeiv is not Afton", yea,be bath neither chill nor brother, yet is there thi enti of his labour, ',titbit' is his eye fatisfied with miles, wither faith-be, fot)vhom do; I labour, andbereave myfowl ofgood? Mir etlfo is vanity, yea it is fore travel. He eats and is never fatisfled,whe thinks be bath not enough, boromuchforver be bath mole thanbe can sat; anunfatisfied body is a great,afffaion,brt anunsatisfied mind is a far.oreaterond is at once an effl'aionand -a fin. Not to be fatisfied with a little,With the leaf+ portionWhich God allovveth usis finfull;ancl ("itch isthe finfulneffe of many, that they ire neverfatisfied,,horinaith fever their portion is. The prefent text and poynt may .r.OaCh -this diffatisfaaion, both as it îs the-fin and the punifiiment athe, wicked man< poritie ; but r ather conceive that here intended 'and threatnedonlyAl AB 'AO:115401:qr ftiimitof the wicked iis pciOerity, t wantof fukcient bier] :Cofatii.fic the4.04,oftryg: patina- be fatisfl4Witis bread.' Verfe as; Thofe that ttemaimof him ¡hall de barieof in death and his,widowesfball not weepe. In the former Verfe pis pofteritylyGre exprOffcci by two words; fitakliis children ;fecOndly, kfi:f pfrpri,;g. In this verfelvehive. a third word for the fame purpore His remainer, or is we ten- der tbofe that rertmine ofhim ; yet alit title may be underflond twò Mote ,7generally, forakhii.Children left behind him, wheiaber,goethgut of ihe'world,1,:or departs this life. Secondly, Mori fpecially for iliofe orbit children, that efcape: , the two former [word and, famine. The forw, verft. '..pealtes as if the Nord and famine had freept thein U a;vay,..-,iacle a clear riddance. of his whole family. 13iit ruppof,e atri, 346,14be left remaining after tbat common,die.., flrigtion andmire;iblF404fiation)t yet, they iball not long fet.Othe 4go'ds of 460:,Ttig ,,S1cripuire fpcairs, ijcatimes AS if all Wererlefiroyed:When Onlymany ari.,;Tbstt Which moilfafer, all are ¡aid to folfir'.: (Jet. 44. 27i )Mold rwill watch over themP4'101,01not forgood; and all themen ofJudah that are in the-44of Egypt (hall be confiai4 by the !word, smei by thefamine, V 2 Until/ 347