Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. a7. An Exp lition upon tige Book of j o s Vert, g. it &VITO 7lñ6vT1I/R. Sept. untill there be an end ofthem. Here are the twoconfirming evills, fpoken of by job,fword and famine"; all the menof jadab (lull be consumed, by the fword,and by the famine, until! their be an end of them. Yet (it followes ) 4 [mall number that efcapethe [word all returns out of the land of Egypt into the land ofjudah, &c. Where only a fewefcape amifcheife, all are Paid tofall under it. Thus here, becaufe the mot+ of a wicked manschildren (hall fall by the (word, and famine, the text fpeaks, as if all had fallen ; But, if any be left, they Shall be buried indeath. What elfe?4hould not a manbe buriedwhenhe isdead?or 'Thai loth jobmeane, whenhe faith, They (hall be buried in death? As fame asSarahwas dead,1braham, though be lovedher inrirely yet provided for her bu, 511, and thus beipake the men of that Country ( Gen. 23 :4.) Iam aftranger anda foiourner'with you; give mea poffeffion ofa buryingplace antbyou, that 1 may bury my deal eat ofmyfight. Why then is it laidhere, That age that re- Maine (hall 6e buried in death ? There are divers interpretations of it which I {hail touch upon, when I have only noted, That the Septuagint read, ?hey fhall dye in death, which is of like force They /hall dye the death. That repetition of the word either way adds force to the matter fpoken, and f gnifes lint only the cer tainty of death, but the {harpnefs and grevioufnefs of it. But to keep our rendring, They (hall be bond in death. Firft, Some underhand ir only thus, They(hall be buried in the geave,which is called,tbe chamber ofleath,(Pro.7, a7.) The fc- pulcher is the bode of the dead,snd aait wereof death it felfe, there death keep3 boufe. But I (hall pale this as too lowand gas an interpretation. Secondly, Thus; They (Sall be buried in death ; that is, they [hall be forgotten as foon as they dye ; ro be fo, is aJudgment. Then a man is p-operly Et indeed buried in death, when he is for- gotten as fame ishe is dead, and no fooner outof the world, but out of all mens minds, unleffe to thinkand fpeak of him with abhorrence. Thus to fay a man is buried in death, is as much as to ,ray, he (hall not b: rem -mb-ed with credit when be is dead. Some are thus buried in life or alive, and many are thus buried in death. This is a faire iete pretaàon.' Thi. dly,