Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap.Z7. din Expofition'upon the Book of Jos, Verf.íg. as}9 Thirdly, They (hall be buried in death; thatis, they (halt be Semt 'a buried prefently as foone as theydye, they that take care of their 'lemur muri- funerall, (hall fcarce tarry till the breath is outof their bodyes,or bwndi. Vatab. thebreath thall no tonnes be out of their bodyes,but their bodyes than be thruit into the grave. Men who dye in honour,are buryed with deliberation ; but all men,even neerea friendsand relations íhall be to weary of thefe, that the,) hall hafen, yea hurry their carkaffes to the earth.So tobe buried in death is to beburied even while dying, or before death hash, made a perfet% conqueft over them,implying that all are gild to be ridof'them.So Mr.Brough- ton leaves to made; fond yobs text, tranflating it thus ; His rem- scant (hall be buryed asfool as theyare dead. Which hegloffeth thus ; A, condom, edHaves prefently ; Accordingto this interpre- tation, the fence is, they (hall be brought to the grave without any comfy attendance, and (hall have an ignoble burial!. The dead bodges of great men arekept fomecimes a week,ometimes a month, yea fomecimes feverall months above ground, that they May be buried at laff with greater folemnicy. But there no fooner deadbut buried, away with them. The particleBetb,ufed here in the text, (hews fuch a fuddenncffe of one thing done after ano- ther,as if there came no timebetween, muchletíc any confiders- ble time.So °cisrendred in that famous Prophefie of the kingdom of Chuif in and vairh the Saints (Dan. 2.41,)And in the dayet of thole Kings (hall the Godof Heaven fee up a kingdom wbcb fhallne ver be deflroyed. When he faith, in the dayr,we are not to under- Band ir,that that kingdom,fhali be contemporarywiththeft other kingdoms ; for though Chrift hash a kingdom in all kingdoms,and a throne among all thrones, and. a people among all people, yet the Prophet is not fo much fpeaking of that kingdomeof Chrif which (hall grow up in the dayes of chofe kings, asof that which (ball be built upon their ruines. Andaccordingly M; Breagbton tranflates that place,not in the dayes,bur refold, after the dayes of thole Kings fall the God of Heaven fee up another Kingdom. Thus here.? be Jkail he hurled in deatb;'Kit ir, prefect-1y after they are dKad, or rho, fhaPb- buried in ob:cu, icy, without pomp, no,man r.°gardinL, fia'ce any-man acco.npasying thci<' ca=:katíes to the grave. Pnurch1y,Orhere .(Ord chi: bury; gindeath, of ,he fecond death, or of cte ..Wet a s<r,+ c a'r dindeath iwd.ed,,-;ho lvg