Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 27. GAn Expo/tìon upon the Boobof J o B. Verf, i (Moreover fob continued his Parable, twin domino. Why loth yob call what he had to fay a Parable ? The Origi- riour principem nal word frgnißes to rule, to govern , to govern as a Prince, 1.ITe unde para- whole righteous Precepts and Commands, whole Lawes and bola notarfan- Counfels,his people ought toobey < Speeches or Sentences which reanattptenam acumi are,full of rvifdom and of truth arc called Parables for a threefold nN ,euofipoteßsti reafon. Pita,' BecaufeParables and wife Sentences rule over the fpirits of men, as Princes and Magiarates do over their bodies or out ward man. Parables carry fo convincing a light,fo great an autho- rity in them, that every mansjudgment and underfianding fub- nuis and falls down before them, fuch words bear rule and fway. And thoughmany contradi& truth ,8c rebel againfl ir, yet truthwill fubdue, even them to itspower, who would not fubmit to its rule, nor bow to.its Scepter. And fob might well call what hehad to fay, a Parable, a colletion of ruling fentences, feeing in the iffue his friends,who were no friends towhat he faid, were forced toyield themfelves up to it, and fubmit to himby the final fenrence or determination ofGod himfelf. Secondly, Parables are fo called, becaufe fuch fpeeches carne 'dually from the mouths ofPrinces and great Perlons ; they were fpeeches of Rulers, therefore ruling fpeeches. Solomon fpake pro- verbs of Parables, who was a great King, and ruled over men more by wifdome than hedid by power. Thirdly, Becaufe whether men will fubmit to fuch fpeeches and truths or no, yet theirJudgments, aaìons and opinions muff be tryed and ruled by them, Parables are touchftones of truth, they arerules, and therefore ought to rule. tl dieitur Again,Others derive the O: igrnal word which we render aPa- ' 74'M rable, from a root which lignifies to (hen, or to make like ; thisallo afftmilatus eJl: faits well with the natureofParables, which are dually expre#fed Par by Similes or Similitudes, comparing one thingwith another, or nesloquebotur Y P n admodumpara. one thing to another ( (Math. r 3. 3. ) At that time Nu:[poke betasinducentis unto thermmany things in Parables. We have leaven diflin& Para- egain, hies in that Chapter ; and what were thole Parables ? they were all Similitudes ; A Sower went out to foty ; There you have a Pa- rabre, intimating all forts of Gofpei- Hearers, by-four forts of ground. There alto you have the Parable of the grain of Muflard- et feed,