Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

'1 Chap. 27. AnExpofticn upon the Book of J o s. Werf.I s; lye under the bands ofeternal! death. The godly are buried in life, and the wicked in death. But I hall not flay upon that not Lion; for Iconceive yob is not defcribing the wickedunder evert nall,buc temporall evills andpunifhmencs. Uèjleinteretip. > ifthly, We may cake death here by way of fpeciality for tìJ'epelientur, fome excraordinry death, and fo to beburied indeath, is todye Pined. Coo. of the Plague ; And then we have the three great Judgments of b is :gauoni. God met together inaftli&#ing the po(lerity of the wicked man, 6 e, per diroa `word, famine,and the peflilence. Theplagueor penitence may atorbos, Rab. 'ufllyhe called death, by way of Eminency becaufe it is adifeafe col. fo deadly. Among the Chaldean.). the penitence is not nua ibred ohaldseispefli- amongdifeafes, but 'cis called Death. And fo we find it expreft di tur.ìxDúf (Revel, 6. S,) And I lootted,ànd behold,a paleherf, and his name thatfat on bim was death, that is the penikace, andbelt fo owe4 him, andpower wasgivenuntohim, over thefourthpart of the earth to kill with fword,and with hanger,ànd withdeath'; thanis,with the plague or penitence. And theywho dyeof the plaguemay well' be laid to be buried in death, as to theñrfl fence given, beeaufe they as loon as dead are, fuddenly carried out toburial', left they mould idea the ayr, and fo taynt the bodyesof the living, 1Ylorteet Tridul And fo forne render David: choyceof the penitence (r Sam. 2461' ,Ilegit °diem. 13 ) by this General! word,he chofe three Dayss death. In out sever: sac:. language we common! call the e :lencë ' not only The a ne e E or..ylb,r. a$, ly p r Y f k fÎ t as if no difeafe were a fickneffe except that; but we call italto. the Martalitic,as if no fickneffe brought deathwith it but that ; and experience teacheth, that nodifeafebringeth filch certaine death as that. Howdoth death ride as it were in triumph, where the peflitence reigned). Other difcafes flay their, thoufands, but the plague of penitence its ten thoufands, and therefore this maybe received from the clearefl and moil p-oper expofidon of this text They that remain ofhimfhall ,beburied in death, that is, the plague (which is fay {bale on immediate.flroake fromGod)fhall (metre< them away, after they have furvived and fcrambled outof the, hands of (word and famine. Obferve, Firfl g God bath varied,' ofjudgments at his call ; when he commode' (word, and famine, andpeflilsnte, fay: here are we If onemille the other (hall hitt; as itis Paid (tKings 19.17. ) TTim