r7o Chap. 27. An Expofition upon the Book of os. Verf:ì$. Erougliton tranflateth and gloffeth Yobs text fully to this fence. The rich (in death ) lyeth and is not taken up,that is, to be honeflly buryed, for his children (hall be killed (v.14.) Amongfl the wild Arabians (faith he) this rema,netb unto this day : and inour wild Countryer. It is an HebrewPhraje, for one dead taken freindly to buriall, or ofa//ranger into lodging ; thus farre He.When men are buryed, they are gathered as into a fiore-houfe, and there laid up fate till the great day of the refurreeion;then the graves (hail beunlockc,and commanded to give up their treafure. Now icing yob threatens this as a plague after death upon wicked men, that they flail not be gathered or buryed, Obferve ; It is a mercy to bate a decent buriall, and to be laid up fairly in thegrave. As it is a very great Judgment when the bones of the dead are difquieted and pulled out of their graves (Yer; 8. r) 2.) At that time,faith the Lord,they (hall bring out thebones ofthe Icings offu- dab, and the bones of his Princes, and the bones of the Preifbs, &c. out oftheir graves, and they (hall fpread them before the Sun and the (Moon, &c. As this (I fay) is a very great Judgment to have buried bones pul'd out of their graves; Co it is no fmallJudgment when dead bones havenot the favour of grave or burial!. It Brews that a price is put upon a thing when 'tiscarefully laid up. Goodgarments are put into Chefls or Wardrobes, nor thrown about the houfe. The body is the Garment of the foul, and therefore death is called an uncloathing(2 Cor. g. ,l.) And we lay up there garments,our bodyes,in the wardrobes of the grave, in affurance that we frail put them on againe, and wear them ( whenmade fpiritual and incorruptible) for ever. As when we goe ro sleep every night we put off our garments, and when we awake in the morning put them on againe;So it is when we fleep in death, we put off our bodyes, and whenwe awake in that glo- rious morning at the found of the Arch - angels trumpet we (hall put them on againe. But though burial, or tobe gathered ro the grave, be a mercy, yet it is only a commonmercy, a mercy as common as the Sun which fhineth , or the rainew hich falleth indifferently upon all whether good or bad. Yea for the anon part, asbad men take m®ft