Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

1.76 Chap. 27. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. We fee how they take hold ofhim, from the force of the word, which bath many fimilitudes implyed in it ; and that may be yet further feen by opening the fimilitude which isexprefred in the text ; and that wasthe, Third thing propofed for explication ; How terrours arc faid to take hold on him as waters. Afflictions and troubles are often compared towaters inScrip- ture ( Pfal. 32. 6, &c. ) Andas they are like waters in their na- ture fo (which is here meant) they are like waters in the manner of their coming. For terrours and troubles come many times, firfi, fuddenly; fccondly, violently;thirdly,abundanrly; fourth- ly, fuccefiìvely one upon the neck of another. As David faid, (1 Chron.14.11. ) Godbath broken in upon mineenemies by mine hand , like the breaking forth of waters ; that is,he bath fuddenly and violently deftroyed themby mine hand. Reman ufeth this fimilitude to feeforth the way of the Lords fending terrours up- on him for his tryall, and the exercife of his faith andpatience (Pfal. 88.16,17. ) Thy fierce angergoeth over me (as waves of the Sea, or mighty waters) thy terrours have cut me o f f They came round about me deftly likewater , they comp:ffed me about together. When theLord would flew how abundantly,freely, &continually the rulers of the earthoug4 to do Juftice, he faith(d4mas 5.24.1 Let judgment run down as raters, andrighteoufneffe as amighty jireame. Waters eafily take hold,becaufe they may come fuddenly; unexpectedly, and 'Cis very hard toget out of their hold,becaufe they come fo violently!, fo abundantly, fo continually, or fuccef- fively ; and thus Terrours take hold of the wickedman as wa- ters, Having noted many thingsabout terreurs ( Chap. 8. 1,) I fhall not ftay upon themhere, only note ; Firft, They whowill not fnffer their hearts to be takenbold ofby the word of God, (hall one time or other, be laid faff . hold on, andheld enough by the terreurs of god. Theywho will not be kept in compaffeby good counfell, fha11 be compaffed about with forrow. Men doe but procure and'ha- fIen on mifery, while they cafi off duty. Secondly,