Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

04 Chap.a7. ,in Expofition spon the Book of J o s. Ver(.21. btcd no more with honour fourthly,it carrieth him to his cham- ber, and there to his tick-bed ; fifthly , it carriethhim to his death-bed, and to his grave, yea without repentance and faith in Chri(I, it carrieth him CO hell, and leaves him under chaìnesofe- verla(ling darknefs.Thefe are all lamentable removes,and the laft is the molt lamentable of all. The Eall-winde of affli&ion and trouble, carried) the wicked man away into fome of theft fad coaftsand lands of darkncffe. Thus it is faid of Ifrael in the lira of norm (v.6.) Iwill no morebavemercy upon the boule ofIfrael; bat 1 will utterly carry or take him away ; that is, I will take him from all hiscomforts and injoyments,I will ftrip and divorce him from all his poffeflions and relations. The Eaff-winde carerieth him away. Hence Obferve ; Firft, The 7ud. menu of Godare irrefiible. Affil lions prevaile like an Eafl-winde ; man cannot withfland them, eitherby any power of his own, nor by any power of his friends and confederates ; no power can flay or hold him in his place, whom the anger of God, or an angry God bloweth upon. When once the difpleafnre of God goech out again(+ him,there is no abidingfor him. Howwell foever anyman is founded,though founded as a rock , how well foever any man is rooted, though rooted like the Oake, yet up he muff, he muff be gone when this Eafl-winde comes. Howmuch more is this true of wicked men, of whomDavid lai, h, that they are as chaff, andas the doff before the winde, which the leaf( ptiticarriech aeeay and fcattereth. The Prophet (Ifa, ei.s. 16.) cells us that the grcateft powers of the world, even mountaines, (hall be thrc(hed and fanned in the day of the Lords anger ; Behold I will male thee a newfharpe tbrefhing inflrnment, having teeth, and than jmic threfh the móuntaines,and beat thetasfmall,andmake the hills as chaff'. The great men of the world, are like mountaines and hills,yec they {hall be beatenand thre(hed,they (hall become as chaffe,chey fk,all be fann'd,and the wind (hall carry them away, and the whirlewind (hall fcatter them. Becaufe whole mountaines freme too big to be carryed away by the winde, therefore God threfheth and beares them to peic es, . he makes them like chaff, which the wind eafily differfech and bloweth away. The next words 'her the effe and energie of the