Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

'l® Chap. 27. AnExpoftiontipon the Book of b o s. Verf. 2. wife,in the 5t:h and 6th verfes. And thus we have the fumti2e and fubftance of hisDifcourfe. Now to particulars, As God liveth who bath taken awaymy fudgrant. The.Original text may be taken two wayes. Fir(f, Man Oath, fo we, As God livethwho,Oct Secondly, as an Affertion ; The living God, or the God than liz.eth, bath taken away my judgment. I fhall touch the words under both notions. But Firff , AsanOath: he fweare's by the life of God ; which yob dot h, to fhevt, that as fure as God is the livingGod for ever, fo he certainlypa-poled that he would neither defii+ while he lived frommaintaining his own integrity, nor would he at all ÿure jurande maintain it. falfely. felen.,ifeeorum We meer frequenely inScripture, uiththisoath,By the life of fententiæ pan- God, or, as God livetb, (Sam .2 5. 34. 2 Sam. 2.21. Revel. Io. diunon ubeB- 6.) This chi ¿bah was the Great oath, the Greatef}"oath among l! d :n the fever. And as we find holy men thus fwearing and vowing tarn, faatnriacentia b y the life of God fo God himfelfe fwears thus alto, As Ilive præflaturum.. is theoarh of God (Ezek. IS, 3.) and 'tis often repeated in that Mere. bootie ; As l livefaith the Lord, as t livefaith theLord. Hence note, firft Oaths are lawful. Yea, oaths are not onely lawful!, but they are commanded. ( Jer, 4. 2.) And thou fbaltìeare, the Lordliveth,in judgment, and in rtghteoufneffe ; where the command lyes not onely upon the. ( modus or) manner of fwearing, in truth and in righteouf- nefje, and in judgment, but upon the very aC ; Thou (halt fwear the Lord liveth. The Lord by Mojes layd this charge long before upon the people of Ifrael. ( beur. 6. i 3.) Thou goal: ferre the Lord thy Godand ferve him,and (haltfweareby his name, But it maybe objeeted ; How then doth Chrift fay ( Math. 5. 34.) Sweare not at all. And the Apoftle fames ( Chap. 5. r 2. ) Above all tbings,my Brethren, fweare not ; How is it at all lawfull to fweare, whenChrifi faith, fweare not at all ? I anCwer ; when Chrifl faith fwearenot at all, the text explains it felfe,thatit is not a difallowance of fwearing atall in any kind, but of fwwearing at all in forelkind friar not at a!!, faith t h, iff, that