Chap. 27. an Expoftion upon the B.o1,of J o s. Veto 22. igt but the vvickca ihail not partake of this palingmercy in the day ofæthe Lords fierce atge Hence Note ; pilicked men [allhaveJudgment without mercy ;, it is an argument of greater anger, when the Lord faith,'`1 will not fpare, then when he faith, I will finite; when h: finites he may fpare,but where he doch not fpare,he clothnothing but ímite. And thus he will deal at lall with ungodly men ; hc(pares them long,but he will not ever fpare. HieSpirit will not alrvayes firive (as he faith of the old world, Gen. 6. 3.) nor be kept ( as tome expound that text) like a (word in the (heath. A time is coming when God will know no pity nor compaflion toward them, he will forget to be gracious.; This- is a temptation fometimes upon theGodly themfelves, and it is a truth towards the wicked. God willforget to begracious, and fhist up hia loving kindnefr in everlafl- ingdifpleafure. He th 1 made them will not have mercy s them, andbe that formed them, millthew them no favour, (Ifa. 2, r i.) The wicked are they who have not fpared to fin, they have not flatted to do evil, but have done it as they could, with all their might: they have finned greedily, they have drunk iuiquit.* as wçer, as thef(h, or as Behemoth drinks water, pleafantly, a- boundancly. Now when God comes to deal with them in a way of Judgment, he will call upon them, and not !'pare. Whence obfervc,fecondly ; Gad will deal with wickedmen by way ofretaliation; as tley have done them(elver, and dealt with others, fo be will do to and deal with them. Cruel men have not (pared to opprefs others. Now God will not fpare them ; they have been bloody,and would thewno mer- cy, therefore they (hall have judgment without mercy,(1am.2.) 33.) andblood to drink, till they are drunken,and fall,and never rife any more. They have beenwanton, and luflful, they would not forbear any forbidden pleafure; Rohn waters were tweet to them, (and finful) bread, (or bread gotten by fin,') eaten in fe.- cret was pleafant to them. Now the Lord will feed themwith gall and wormwood, and give them the wine of al-Ioni(hment(in great plenty) to drink; He will prepare fot thorn the bread of adverfiueo