B s 192, Chap. z7. ,n $xpaitio t upon ere Boo of J o B. Yetf.. 2e. adverfty, and the ivaters of affíiaion to rbe full. 1c isnot onedy an as of righteottnefs toothers, ut cf refp to our felves,to trot co oc4rs, as we our felves Could have cine to us : for one time or çthe,r, God will d'oe to a!I rçen who doe evil co o'hdr!, and coin to doe ir, as they have done to others. Rewill tag upon thew, andnot fpare! . Hewei dfq,;nfee out ofhis band. ' The He9esw Elegance is, in fleeing be f eeth, chat is, he fieeth. apace Heneeds neither whip nor fpur toavoiddanger, who would not be provoked by both and more tocome on in duty. ,The wicked man beinwunder theft preffures, or in thisfiorme, Would get out of it with ail his heart, $àwould fainfee out of bis hand. Whof hand ? fur of the hangof God,or from iiis fevere t anddefiroviog Judgment! Stich judgernepts alf frequently in Scripture ¿xpre(t by the hand of God (Exod. 9. ) Brhold,tbt hand ofshe Lord is upon thy Ceuta, avhiçlo.is in the field; upon.the ,Horfe? pon tbie 4fes,upon thr Camells,uponthe Oxp,and upon the *sbeep, theca !hall be a very grievoussnarrain. And in the 24.th Chapter of the fame bock (v.' I.) it is fard, And upon the. No- bles of th,r Children of ifrael, be laid not bis band (that is,4 edid not hurt nor Imite them) alfo they fareGod, anddid eat and drin. When the text faith, the wicked man would fain flee out oohfs hand, it implieth two things ; firfi, that the hand of God is very terrible tohim ; fecondly, that he bath thong delires, and tiferh is uttnofi endeavours (though both in vain) , to get out of his hand. Hence Oblerve, Fi:1+, It is afearful thing tófall into the handof ad. This is the Apflfiles exprefs_doarine (Keb. ro:3 i.) It is the ¡oy of Godly men that they:are:in the handof God; but it isthe lot of wicked men to fall into the hand of an-angry God. Godly men defile rather to fall into the hand God when he is angry hecaufe ev then towards them there is mercy withhim) then into the had of angry men, with whom éhere is no mercy, or theirvery mercies are cruel. Holy .Davis!made it his eslecion to fall. into the hands of God, when to chalien his-vain-glorious pride, and carnal confidence, he was offered that fad choicelq fword,