Chap. 27. an Expofstionupon the Book of J o B. Verf. 23. 193 (word, 'famine, or peffilence, (2Sam. 24. ) He chofe rather to be under an Immediate then mediate judgment,(for though they arealto in the hand of God, that are under his mediate Judge- menrs;yet they fecal more in the hand of God who are under his immediate Judgements)but when rnen have abufed mercy,when they have goneon in their fine, till God cometh to execute ven- geance, then it is a moft fearfull thing to fall into the hands of God. Saints commend themfelves into the hand of God in times of danger, and at the house of death;bst$ thyband,O Lor1,1com- mit myfpirit, is the voice = ofa.belciver, (Plot/. 31 S.) but how dreadful is it for them to fall into the hand of God, whonever committed themfelves into his hand!Howdreadful is it for them to fall into the hand of God, who have lifted up the heel againfi God,and have gone on finning with ahigh handlSorre are fo full} blind,that they will not fee the hand ofGod when it ielifted up inhis mot/ marvellousprovidential difpénfations in the wörld;the Prophet complainesof fuch (ffa. 26. ti.) Lord, when thy bandis liftedup theyWill notfee ; but they who will not fee the hand of Cod lifted up, that they may give him theglory of what he hash done, (hall feel themfelves falling into the hand of God, by the. greatnefs`of their own fufferings. S:condly, pbferve; wicked men perceiving themfelves fallen into the band of God, wiltdoe their utmel toget out of it. There it a natural inaina in every living thing to get out of harms way; when a fiorme is up,a11 the beafis`of the field look for flicker, and hallen to their covert, ifthey have any. And. thus; wicked men ufe all meanes,allendeavours,they plot and contrive to dif-intangle anddif- ingage themfelves from thofe miferies by which the hand-of God bath laid hold on them.They would faine flee,yea fly out of his hand. Theygive all diligence to avoid the evillsof punithmenr, though theygave nodiligence at all to a- void the evil of fin. They are leaden- heel'd and flow-paced in doing what God enjoyns them, but they would be light- footed, yea even winged to efcape what he infliçtsupon them.Theymake no htfi to keep the Cormandemenr,there they will not fo much asgoe,but theymake all titft to free themfelves from the penalty, then they run. Poflibly they will not Air while judgmentsare C c oncly'