Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

I , 94 Chap. 27. An Expofition upon the Beokof J o B. Verf. 23. only threatned,but when once they fee them executed,then they beflir themfelves (as we fay) to purpofe, though indeed to lit- tle purpofe. For Thirdly, Note s The wicked labour in vain to efcape the band ofGod,. They would elcape,but they cannot ; as many thall leek co en- ter in at the firait gate which leads Heaven-ward, fo all will leek at laft co efcape the wide gatewhich leads todeflruction whe- thertemporal or eternal, yet they (hall not be able. Some render this latter part of the verfe, thus ; He fleeth clean away from his place whereas, we fay, out ofbig band, they fay, cut of his place; and fo the Hebrew word is tranflated(Deut.2;, a x. Ifa. 56. g.) according to which reading the meaningis this, he runnetb clean away ; there is a florm upon him, he cannot a- bide tobe where he was, he runs for ir,he fleeth his Country ;you need not bani(h him, he banifheth himfelf, and becomes (though again;} his will ) a willing exile. But I pats this. Verf, 23. Men fhall clap their bands at bim, and fhall hifs him out of his place. 'Mere are the concluding words or Epipbonemaof the whole Chapter and fad Rory of the wicked man ; Men fball clap their hands at him ; He doth not fay what fort of men, or how many men, but men, that is, menuniverfally, or men generally (hall do it; or they that ufe to clap hands upon any occafion fh all readily clap their hands at him. As it is laid (lob 3. 8.)Let them curfe it, that curie the day, who are ready to raffe up their meowing, that is, let them that ufe to cure the day, curfe it. So here, Men fhall clap their bands at him, that is, all they who ufe to clap hands at Inch events, (hall clap their hands at this mans fall. But what is the meaning of this, what Both the clapping of hands fpeak ? I anfwer, it fpeaks difgrace to the perlons, and Infulcacion at the fall of wickedmen. The enemies of jerufatem are defcribed do- ing thus, when (he lay in the duff (h am.2. ii.) 411 that paffed by clapt their bands at ber. And in the Prophefie of Ezekis1 (Çhap.2 -.6.) Thusfaith the Lord Çod,becaufe those ball clapped ;bine bands, and flamped with-the feet,.and rejoyced in heart, with all thy elefpigbt againfi the Land of Ifrael ; Behold therefore I will firetcb-