Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chip. 27. e/In Eocpofition upon the Book, ofJ o B. Verf. 23. ffretcb ant mybandopen tbee, &c.Clappingof hands is joyned with joy and rejoycing at the ruine of others. Again,to clap thehand cloth often fignihe applaufe, which is not only a confent to or contentationwith what is a&ed or fpoken, but an high approba- tion of it,and fo it may be expounded here;as if when men fhould fee chofe tyrants calf down, they fhould fay, It is very well done, they have but their doe, and fo give their plaudity to it ; clapping of hands is ufed chiefly at Interludes or flage- playes,where when the A&ors doe their part with a grace, and hit the humours of chofe they perfonate to the life, both in fpeech and geflure, then the fpcfators give their plaudice by clapping hands. Such a plau- dite or applaufe is often given at the real down-fall and mot+ tray gical conclulion of wicked men, efpecìally of chofe whole power bath been ufed for the oppreffion of other men. Further, as the clapping of hands is a fign of rejoycing and ap- plaufe,fo alío of fcornand contempr,and this I conceive moli pro- per to this text, if we confider the next lolI wordsof this verfe and Chapter. Men (hall clap their bands,aszd fhall bits hum ent ofbis place. Hiffing inScripture is ufed two wayes ; fiat, there is an bung to,which is to call another to us ; fecondly,there is an bas- fingat, which is the deriding of another 4,We read of the former in the Prophete of Ifaiah (Chap. 5.26.) e4nel he will lift op on Enfign to the Nations from far, andhe will hip even from the end ofthe earth. And a gain in the 7thChapter of the fame Prophefie ( v. 18. ) And it (hall come to pafs, that in that day, the Lord (hall hifs, for the fly that is in the ottermofl part of the River of Egypt, and for the Bee that is in the Land ofAfyria ; God (hall hill for the Fly and Bee he (hall call to them,and they (hall come. Wemany times give á hifs to a friend or 'a fervent to come to us, when we would ïptik with them or employ them. Of that fe- cond fort of hi(fing, that of derifion, or deteflation, we read (s Kings g. E.) where after Solomons prayer at thededication of the Temple, The Lord tels him, what bledings (hourd be upon him and the whsle people of Ifrael, if he walked in integriry,and uprighcnefs asDavidhis father had donebefore him; But ( faith the Lord) if you(hall 'at all turn from following me, yen er your cbildren,to ferve other Gods,tben will! cat of f Ifi ucl out of the Land which 1have given them,and at this hoafewhich is higb,every one thatpaffeth by tt,floall be afronifhed,andfpiall hifr,arrd they fb »!lfay, Cc z why 19'ï