196 Chap 27. ern - ExpofittonupantheBoo.of Jo 31. Verf. x3, why bath the Lord done thus unto this Land, and unto this houfe.: Great Judgments upon the Church caufe afloníihment in all be holders,and they caule hilling with fcoine, in malignant enemies. We find this threatning prophecy in part fulfilled, Good King Ilez.elziah reports it in,his fpeech to the Levites at the beginningof his reformation,(2 ('hron.29.8.)Oar fathers have trefpaffed;&c; Wherefore the wrath of the Lord was uporì Judah and f rufalem, and be bath delivered them to trouble, toaffonifyment,and to hiffing, as youfee withyour eyes. And as we find the rending of the threae- ning, under this term, (Pr.25.,9.)íothe fulfilling of it to the utmotf, isdolefully acknowledged by the lame Prophet(Lam.2. 15.) 411 that paffe by thee, clap their handsat thr6,They hi.[fe and wag their heads at the daughter ofIerufalem,faying, is this the Ci- ty that men call theperfeLion of beauty, thejoy of the whole earth? And, as this was the fate of jerufalem for walking contrary to ehe knowledge which they had of od, f of Nineveh w knew notGod.- (Zepb 2. 15.) 1 Í" ' g city that dwelt carelefly,tbat fail inher heart,ldm,and there is none befiele me; Flow is the become a elefolation, a place for beafîs to lye down in ! every one that pajetb by (hall biffeand waghis hand. rhey fhallhirehis out of his place. What place ? his place was fpoken ofbefore,there it was Paid, God(hall burle him out ofkis place, here it is laid, ¡theyfhall biffe him out ofbit place ; inboth verfes hisplace is the fame; Men(hall !life him out of his place, that is,out of his dwelling, out of his of- fice,out of his dignity and authority ; Yea, (as tomeunderfland and extend the fetfe) they thatl hilfe him out of the world;when he dies,inulead of mourners he [hall have biffers;Let him go,wbo cares for him he never did good while he lived, and he bath not a good word when he dieth. Some refer the place, not to the man that is hilted, but to the hif fers;Men (hall hiffe him out of his place; That is; everyman out of the place wblere'he lives fhall.hiffe at him ; every manat his own door Thal Eland rejoycing, deriding, and pointing at him, and fay as it in the Pfalmiff, (Pfal. 52.7.) Lee,tbis is the man that made not Godhisftrengtb, but trufîedin the abundance ofbis riches,. and trengthened himfelf in his wickedne fs ! He {hail be wondered,at,and.,.hooted AS anO.wie among the birds.As he was