Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

r 98 Chap, -a7. an Fapef:tinn upon the Booll,of Jos. Vero 23. and the holy ApollIts and Prophets,for Godbath avengedpu onher. We muff not, we may not rejoyce at the downfall of Babylon, or of any Babyloni(h fpirits in the pride ofour hearts, nor with carnal affe&ions, for felóth ends and intere(is : nor are we to do it with cruel and revengeful affc&ions, as being glad at the de- firu&ion of men, and glutting our felves with their blood. Thus to wafhourfeet in the blood of the wicked ( which yet the Pialmift faith, the righteous poll do when theyfee the vengeance, Pfal. 58. z were indeed to defile and pollute our own fouls. But there is a rejoycing at the fight of the vengeance,which is a washing of our feet (fpiriaually) in the blood of the ungodly; for if thereby we are made more wary of our own goings, and are careful to walk more holily if ; when we fee the wrath of God breaking out againli the ungodly, we take heed to our wages, and keep in paths of righteoufnefs, then we wafh our feet in the blood of the ungodly, And doubtleffe we may receive much good byob- ferving the dealings of God with them that are evil. When the Apotlles had (hewed, that with many of the Ifralites god was not w ell pleated (that is, he was highly dìfpleafed with them) for they were overthrown in the wilderneft (t Cot. to. 5. ) He adds (n. 6.) Tjp GO thefe things wereour examples (They were our ex- amples not for imitation,but for caution,as it followes in the Came verfe) to the intent wefhould not lull after soil things, as they alto lulled ; neither be Idolaters, as were fameof thews ; neither commit fornication, asfora of them committed and fell in one daytbree and twenty thoufand;neither temptChrill, as fame of them alfa tempted, andwere defiroyed ofSerpents, &c. He clofeth the report of their finning and fuffering, with a repetition of the former ufe(v. fz.) Now allthefe things hapned unto them for examples,andarewritten for aura dmonitron, upon whom the ends of thew;rldare come.To re- ceive warning, not to walk in thofe foul- defiling wayes,inwhich we fee,heare,or read,±hat any have fallen and perifhed, is a blef- fed way of washing our feet in the {Mood of the ungodly. And un- lefs our rejoycing at the fall of any wicked men, be improved-as s meanes topreferve us inour flanding,our'rejoycing is not good. Further, We may flare the care of rejoycing at theelownaal of the. wic- ked in thefe particulars. Firff, We may rejoyce; as there is a mercy in it to the people of