Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 27. an Expofttionxapon the Book ofJ O B. Verf. 23. Igq of God, or as a block and Impediment in the wayof their peace and profperity is removed ; for in every judgment upon wicked men, there is mercy to good men, either to the Church of God ingenerall,or CO this and that good man in fpecial. That the Sa- bylonifh great Mountains which oppofe Mount Sion, and darken the glory of ir, are level'd and become plains, or quite removed, is matter of rejoycing to Sion, and fhould make the daughters of Jerufeelemglad. Secondly, We may rejoyce, becaufe the ruine of fuchcontr:rg minded men declares the righteoufnefs of God, or beczue fuch Judgements of God evidently (hew forth the juflice of God for as the Jail Judgement will be the great day of the declaration of the righteous Judgement of God, fo there leffer and nearer judgements declare it alfo.And as kit well becomes all men to re- joyce in the mercyof God to themfelvecs, fo it is not at all un- comely for them to rejoycein the manifeftatiom of his Ju (lice uponothers. Thirdly, Wemay rejoyce and clap our hands, for joy, when the wicked are hurledand hiffed outof their places,as this dif- penfation fets a Peal to the truth of God ; and that two ways. Firfl, In reference to his threatnings of deftrueion to the wicked, whichare fulfilled and made goodby fuch judgements. There is nothing doch more honour God then his truth; and as he is tobe honoured in believing the truth of his threatnings, even While wicked men are in their greateff bight and flourifh,fohe is to be honoured for the truth of his theatnings by our rejoycing whenwe fee wicked men laid IoMand wither; for thenhis truth is not onely Pure, but clear andvifible. Secondly, In reference to his promifeof anfwering the prayer of his own people, to whicheven thofe judgements are often...- times, if not alwayesa return. Some or other of the Saints are diggingcontinually by prayer at the root of chafe ungodly men who are publick enemies, either for their converfion, that they may no more have a miede to doe mifchief,orfor their confuliion, that they may no more be able to do it. Nów every anfwer and return of prayer, as it calls ustoblelfe and praife God, fo to rejoyce and take comfortour felves in the truth of God.See more of this point in the obfervations upon the r 9th verfe of the 22d Chapter.. *oadíyo