Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

co Cusp. 27. an Expofitàon upon the Bïok,of J o B. Verf. 23. Secondly, Obferve ; When wicked menfall, they are everywaymiferable, Good men meet withmany ttoubles in this if ; but as when they fall they have andurance to rile again, upon which ground the enemy is wicht not to rejoyce at their fall (Mic.7.8.)fo they .finde many that moumne with them, and none,rejoyc ìug at their troubles, but theywhole compaflions and tea; es ire not worth the .owning. But the milery of the wicked when they fail is double; firtf, becaufe they (bail rife up toprofperiry nomore ; fecondly, because there is fo univerfat a rejoyceing at their adverfity. None grieve their griefs, nor are any truly afi:eaed with their forrow it is Come cafe to thofe that are affli ed, that they arc pityed, but to bejolly hilfedand taught at when affli&ed,is more painful and afflid}ive, then the afflipion it felf. How fad is their condition, whofe fadneffemakes others merry, and who inflead of being lamented are derided. It is Paid of fome bad Kings,that they dyed net being def:red ; What is it then to dye (corned ? what is it to go jeered out of the world, whether by a natural or a violent death?We fay rruly,none are more miferable then they whodo not commiferate their own miferies(andrhat's a common cafe in refpe& of fpiritual miferies, which atlfo havea tendency to eternal)we may fay allo that none are more miferable then they whohave none to commiferate their miferies._ And furely tone are fo ufed by all forts of men,but they, who have been grievous, and,are odious to all.Noae but they who are lookt at as wolves to the flock,unfit to converfe with men,or as enemies to mankind are fo ufed;fuch are the wcked,and that's the cafe of ;he wicked man in the text in refpe& of temporal miferies. Men fhall clap their hands at him, and hif fe him out of bis place.. Laffly , the a&ions of this whole verle, areby Come referred to God himfelF, we fay, Men Pall clap their bands at him, &c. The word men is not expreff in the Oiglu, text, onlywe fupply Explodit turn k fo ; but others fupply it thus ; God (hall clap hie hand at him, inanibusfuis and hiffehim oat of hie place;As ifhe had faid; Clod bimfelf is glad deur,fc.buna. to be ridof him. Thus the Scripture (peaks of God,after the man- nrds diftum. net of men ; becaufemen fignifie their contentment -and their joy inn= when they are eafed,of burdenTome tyrants and oppreffors,by hif- fingand claiping their hands at them, theydote Cod is laid to doe