Chap. 27. awn'xpo/ition upon the Book of jo B. Verf. 23. do fo too. So that according to this reading, we have here the fufticeof Cod (as it were ) riding in triumph, and crying vil;tory over the roicked, Yulian the apofIate was forced to cry the vi&ory of Chriti againti himfelf, in the indignation of his fpirir, whenhe was wounded and ready co dye, throwing up his blood in the a"yre,and laying, OGalilean, thouhafi overcome;thus he did as it were fing Chrifts vi&ory over him. And at .lafl God himreif williiing vi&ory over all his enemies, he will laugh at them, and clap his hands; while his ju(lice makes them the fpe&acles of his wrathful difpleafure both to Angels and men. HenceNote ; asmen, foGod himfelfdoth rejoyce at the downfall of evil men, We read (Deut. 28. 6o, 6r, 6z.) How the Lord by (Moles tels hisown people, that it they would not obey his voice, he would caufe the diCeafes of 6gype to cleave unto them,alfo every ficknefs and every plaguewhich is not written in the book of the Law, themwould the Lord bring upon them till they fhould be detiroyed.Buthow would the Lord be affe&cd towards them in thefe calamities ? Would he pity them ? Would his bowels be moved,and his compafiions kindled towa;ds them ?Nothing lets; For it followes (v. 63.) And it (hall come topafs, that as the Lordrejoyced over you, to do yougood, and to multiply you : fo the Lordwill rejoyce over you,to dc/Iroyyou, and to bring you to'nought: and ye (hall be pluckedfrom off the Land whither thougoeft to pof- fefs it. Thus the Lord fpeaks to his own people, that he will re- joyce to de(aroy them, and as it were tryumph over them in their ruines, when they lhould rebel againfl him. And again ( Ez.ok,y._ r 3. Theo (hall mine anger be accomplifhed, and I will catefe my fury to refi uponyou ; that is, my fury (hall not come upon you once only, or for a while, but it (hall remain or abide upon you. What followes? AndIwill be comforted; as if he bad laid, it is to me a pleafant thing,che very joy of myheart, to make my fury CO reti upon you, for in doing it I will be comforted. Nowwhen ire fee the Lord threatning the wicked among his own people, not only with defiruEtion, but with his own rejoycing ar it ; how much more will he do this at the detiruttìon of profeffed ene- mies? Solomon reprefents wifdom doing this (Pro. r, 25.) re A d have .oa