Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

202 Chap. 27. an Exjefitier, rayon the Book of J o B. Verf. 23. have fet at nought all my counfel, and would none of my reproof, 1alto will laugh at your calamity, and mock when yourfear corneth, when your fear coward,' a defolation, andyour deftruúion cometh as a whirlewind : when difirefs and anguifh cometh upon you. They who fet the Lords countel at nought, (hall chemfeIves be dealt withas a thing of nought, they (hall be defpifed and taught ar. How light are they in the elfeem of God, who do not weigh hiscouniel ? Nothing (heaves man to be of leis worth, then his judging theword of God to be little worth. Their mifery is mofl miferable whomGod Both not pity ; how muchmore when God feemes to rejoyceat it when God laughsat the calamity of a perfon or people, then as the meafure of their fin, fo the meafure of their calamity is full. Then man bath greatefi came Ridere de; efi to mourn, when God laughs at him. For as when God rejoyceth notle1,umane to doe us. good, Then our good (hould molt rejoyce and pleafe a, fi£tionimife- fo when God rejoyceth at the evills which he brings upon us, Mo ral: I. ç. Greg: when he at once wounds and laughs, then we have the greareft caufe to mourn. Oh 1 how bath he reafon to weep for ever, at whole weeping God laughs l what caufe of mourning have they at whole mourning God is Paid to.mock ? This is the portion of evil men from the Lord.He will clap his hands at them,and hits them out of their place. Thus j ob bath laid down the fir(i part of his anfwer, concern- ing the dealing of God with wicked men, whom he fometimes openly profecutes and affli&s to the eye and view of all men. He proceeds in the 28th Chapter to (peak of chofe hidden and ferret wayesof Gods dealingwith them that lye out of the or- dinary road, and are almoft to all men,andaltogether to the moft f men invifible. J O v