Chap. 28. Verf. z,2,$rc, 2'o3 lerriE.V1r0411.4rltla: ñ@410.í10=04045.14 .10.41../1 .44.$411046.4:00.00044.4:44441444544444044 JO B, 28. 1, 2. &c. to the endof the Ix verfe. z.Surely there isa veinfor the Silver,and a place for the Gold,where theyfine it. 2. Iron is takenout oftheearth, and Brafs ismolten out ofthefione. 3. HeJètteth a n end todarknefs,andfearcheth out all perfeelion theflouesof darknefs, and theftadow ofdeath. 4. The flood breaketh out from the Inhabitant; even the waters forgotten ofthefoot : they are dryed up, they are gone awayfrommen. 5 . As for the earth, out ofit cometh bread : and un- der it is turnedup as it werefire. 6. The floues of it are the place ofSaphirs : and it kathdull ofGold. 7. There is a pathwhich nofowl knowetb, andwhich the Vultu,°ei eye bathnot Peen. 8. The Lions whelps havenot troddenit,nor thefierce Lionpajed by it. 9. Heputtethforthhishandupon the rock; he over. turneth the mountains by the roots. IO. he cutteth out Rivers among the Rocks, and his eyeTeeth every precious thing. z z . He bindeth up thefloods from overflowing, and the thing hid,bringeth heforth to light: ,t. His is a long text, but I purpofeonly a brief diïcuflioa of it ; The whole being of one tenour and tendency, of one concernment and matter. To clear which I (hall ñrli fet out the (late of the Chapter in general, and then give an explication of the parts. D d 2 The