w.I.. Chap.28. e/dnExpafition upon the Book ofJ o B. Verf. The general fcope which yob drives at in this Chapter, is to convince his friends that they had fpoken rafhly, and that their opinions about the dealings of Godwith him was unwarrantable. The argument by which he p roves it is carryedquite through the Chapter ; and'tis this. °fob hoc capita The wifdom of God is unfearchable, and therefore unknown to Probst caufamman ; but yefpeakof the wifdom of God, as ifye wereat the bot- erumnarum fa' tome ofit, or bad fearchsd and lifted it to the saran : And therefore arum non rife- this is enough to prove that ye are rafh in judgement, feeingye rendam effe in b e and conclude concerning the admini(trationsof God as if fcelus aliquod, fedinpreviden- the line of humane underflandìng could fully reach and fearch tidal humano them out. It is impofble to find out the wifdom of God in his - 7udicio occul- works toperfoEEion ; though we may find it outfuficiently for our tam. Propterea inffru Lion. As to negleó the works of God is very fnful, foal- Fix in tame la-' , fo tobe curious inour enquiries, or confident in our determina- qe . i tentpenetrari Lions about them. Man indeed s able to fee much of, and doe tandempóffe ab much within the fphere of nature, he can find out the Silver- homine,fedquæ vein, &c. But there is a vein of wifdom which lyeth too deep indltinæmen- for his finding, nor is hewith his bef+abilities abletomeet with iii altitudine cantinentur im=. it. Thusyob concludes (v. 12.) where is the placeofwifdom ? perfcrutabilia As if he had Paid, No man knows where it is. This is the true VP- Bold, band of connexion between this and the fore-going Chapters; The right axel-tree upon which this large difpure betweenjo6.and his friends is t urned ; and in which thofe many (pokes or rayes of argumentation on both tides are terminated and docenter. For fob having in his former difcourfepofitivelyaflerted,Thas God fometimes,in this world, punifheth theungodly feverely; lkirE , to declare his hatred of and jitftice again(i fin.Secondly, to tdtohoc capito deterre othersfrom fin,efpecially from injuilice;he now forefials darer, yob pro- or labours toprevent an obje&ion, and to anfwer ir. fundamdei fa- For force might fay ; rotsgrant indeed that God doth fometimes pientiam et ab- puni fbwicked men in this world.: But why dothnot God aiwayespu- elitum antis ;mfg them ? Whydo they profper at any time? And why doth the my(lesium non Lord fo often affil tbeg'odlylyvhy are they not alwayes in a paacta- effëad ration» 'itmaneregulas ble and profperous condition ;Why are they foforely fmitten, and left exigida; omniá' in darknefe? As ifGod would eithergive the worldoccafion to beleivi enimaliainto that they are wicked, or difcourage and dijhearten tbem-inthe way r natura Pall* ofgodlinefs why doth the Lord deal thus ? yob in anfwer to the were or Ob e6ion enters upon adif ,Cattditabumano J a p Morepane-, c0urf'ß