oto Chap. 28. Expofition upon the Book, of J o a.Verf. t, 2. &c. ment, but where is the place of nufdorn ?where (hall man fiud'rthat wifdom which is the fecret of God, or wifdom to .difcover the ferrets of God. Which point he purfues from the t ith verfe ex- cluGveîy to the end of the 27th. And upon this he feemes to in- fer, (as the moo natural inference that can be made from it ) that, forafmuch as the wifdom of God in his providences to- ward man, is fuch a fecret, thereforeno man ought to conclude either concerning the fpiritual or Eternal effaceof any man, from the changes which he bath in his temporal citate ; or that out- ward difpenfations of God declare no man tobe either holyor prophane, a Believer or an Infidel. We mull judge of menac- cording to their own works and wayes, or manner of life, not according to their prefent rewards, or the awards of God to- wards them in the things of this Iife. The fum of all may be gathered into thisconclufion ; The wifdom by which God difpenfetb the things of this world, and dealethout portions to feveral men of good or evil, of profperity or adverfty, is agreater fecret, then the molt fecret veines offilver, or the mo¡!' hidden places of Gold. Mr. Broughton gives his glofs upon the text fully to this fenfe ; God (faith he) is marvelous in bte works made known bat unfearchable for mans lot. And again in his Dialogue he fpeakes thus ; God opened exceeding ferrets of his works in the earth, but none of thembath any refemblance of his dealing inbis fecret counfelsfor men, cafe off' or ¡pared. But each one fhouldfear him, and labour to efchew evill. And hence when ob had difcourfed of this wifdom of God, which none can reach; Lea any (hould fay,what t cannot thewifdom of God be found ? are all men orangers to ir, and ignorant of it ? He anfwers, No; What if in this poynt we are not able tomake anydetermination about his wifdom ; Yet there is no need to fay,that we are there- fore to be numbred among the unwife or ignorant: for (faith he) I will tell you wherein and how ye may (hew your felves wife e- nough, and attain truewildom enough, though ye are never a- ble to dive into there ferretsof wifdom.As God often reproves the Eons of men for want of wifdom,fo he as often teacheth them how they may be wife, or in what their wifdomcloth confi(1. But, how or what is that ? we have both the how and what ex- prefly letdown at the 28th or iaflverfe of the Chapter. and unto man helaid, Behold the fear ofthe Lord,that is wifdom, and to