Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

clap. 28. e%' Rxpofsrion open theBook,of Jos. Verf. r,z.&c.' 1á7 to depart from evil is underfaiding. As if he ` had faid, doe not think that ye are cat among fools or Idiots, becaufe Idifcosirfeof a wifdom that ye are not able to fathom; I will inform you, how ye maybe wife, and what is wifdom in the account of god, and of all good men, even tofear the Lord, and to depart from evil. Behold the fear of the Lord that is wifdom, and to depart from evil is.un- derffanding. They that feekand find this wifdom, are not only "fifer then they that find out the veins of Gold andSilver, but wi- ferthen they (if there were any fuch ) that have all the fecrers of Gods dealingswith the children of men, revealed co them. So then, in this Chapter, Jobgives us the knowledg of athreefold wifdom. Firfi, He fpeaks of that wifdom which is converfant in find- ing out the hidden things of nature ; and this is given co all forts of men, good and bad, holy and prophane ; The worfl of men have hadwifdom enough to lead them to the veinesof Silver,and the place of Gold, to the mines of iron and of brafs, &c. This is _a common wifdom, or a wifdombellowed upon mankind in common. Secondly, From the r 2th to the fail verte of the Chapter, Job treats of awifdom which confi(is in the fecret adminifirations of divine providence. And though the Lord be pleafed fornetimes to difcover part ofit, to this or that particular man,in this or that time ; yet no man is mafier of it. This lodgeth only in the breaft of C od,and is lockt up among his cabinet- counfels. Man knowes it not, till he reveals it, and he reveales it to the knowledge of very few. WhenDavidwas fore {humbledabout Gods admini firations toward wicked men in profperity, he confe%th (P[al. 73. 16.) YYben 1 thought to know this, it was too painful for me, or (as the Hebrew text bath it in firiknefs)it as labour in mine eyes, that is, I found it a matter of fuch hard labour, that all my labour in attempting it, was loft labour, or labour in vain; V'ntil (verf. 17. ) Iwent into the SanEuary_ of God, then underflood I their end ; As if behad faid, I could never profit in this learning while Ifiayd in the fchool of nature,and was under the tutorage of humane reafon;only the San&nary, that is,the Word and Spirit in waitingupon God taught me this fecret,that confidering the end" of men, all their prefent profperity is rather to be preyed then envied. This fecond fort of wifdom is hid up withGod, and