Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

12 Chap. 27; s%n Expos ton ripon the Book, of j : B. nines quake at hispretence ; there's much holy \vorfLip in chis acknowledgment. Fifthly, Ir is anevidence of our faith that 'God will doe what 3s right, and of our holy feáre, that we dare .nor fpeake what is falfe, nor doe «haeis wrotig. WaCti Jas,'b ro L.tban ( Ga- nef. 3 t. 53.) He fware by the feare ofhr Tattier Ifaac, uhac is, by that God whom hisfather Ifa.w feared; :eno,as he is o be feared much and alwayes , fo then moll when we zwa_-. by hisGreat and reverend Name. Lathy, It is an Evidence ofour love to and r . ,nfldnce in God, why cafe doe we put our caufe to hitn and cafi du,' felt* upon him, but that we expo& good from him, and to be righted by him. Some ofthe Ancients have laid concerning ;i,oph ans oa= hs ;' No man fweaYes by the life of the King, but he that would6e thought a lover,yea an adorer ofthe King. Nomall fweares by the name of God, but he fpeakes love to God ; if he fweare is Gnce- ricie, andholy feare. We may fumme up all ino thisa;gumenr,' Thai which carryech the acknowledgment of the bei'ig, of the . omnifciency, of the Juflice, of the poser of God, that which is an Evidence of our faith, of our feare, ofour love to God , that which is all this is a noble a& of the worfhipof God ; therefore fwearin, whish is and doth all thefe things, is an eminent a& of worfhip, Againe , Taking thefe words as an oath, we mayenquire why doth job fweare, ar Çed liveth ? I anfwer, job was fpeaking about very ferious matter, and fpeaking very ferioutly ; he was upon weighty bufinefs, and his fpirit had the weight of it upon him ; he had been in a long debate about a greatControveríewith his friends; This occafion'd hisoath, as the Lordliveth. Hence take two obfervationsin reference to oaths; ftca. Oaths are to be ufed enely upon weighty and urgent occafions; Light oathes, or oathes upon light occafions, are weighty fins* and by how much the matter weighes leffe, by fo much the fin weighes more. How great then is their fin, who fweare about trifles, whowill fweare upon anyoccafion, yeaupon no occafion, who fweare becaufe theyufe to fweare,not becaufe they have any reafon to fwear. Oathesare almofi as common as words with feme, you (hall feldo:ne helm them fpeaking without fwearing. Oathes