Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. an expofition upon the Beek of J o $. Verf. 1. s 1 r rily, that they have not doubted to fay, that it may as well or with asgood reafon be maincaiud, that any inferior creature may be perfc ted into a fuperior, or that a !needy animal or fenfirive creatures may be perfe&ed intoa rational, as that an inferior me- tall may be highrned into its fuperior. And as thefe metalls are diflinguifhed by their matter and form, fo alto by their place ; There is aplacefor the gold ; every body bath its place ; Gold bath a proper and diflinéi place from flyer. s its rare to find them together, or neighbouring one with another. The place of Gold, may be confidered, fiat more Gene- rally for the Gold Country, or the Gold coati. ThusMofes de- fcribing the river of paradife, which from thence was parted and became into four heads, The name ofthe frrf# ie Pifon :That w it, which compafetb the whole Landof Hav :loth, where there ie Gold, and the Gold of that Land to goad,(Gen. 2. 10. a 1.) It is not my purpofe at all to debate that Geographical Qefiion, where the Land of Havilab is?or which is theLandof Havilab? All that I note about it is, that it was a rand Famous for Gold ; So alto was Ophir, wherefoever it was, as is clear in the Hifloryof Solomens Reign,as alfo frommanyother texts of Scripture,mentioning, yea commending the goldof Ophir. Thus at this day Barbary in A- frica and Peru in America (beidesmanyother) are famous pla- ces or Countries for gold. Secondly, the place tf Gold may be confidered more firidly for forne fpecial part of thofe Coun- tries ; For as all Countries are not the place of Gold, fo neither is every place ofany Country ; The Gold is found in this or that Rock, in this or that Mountain, upon chefe or thofe fends, Sometimes a Rock, fometimes a River is the place of Gold, which is therefore laid to have golden lands, becaufe grainesof Gold are found among its fands. Thus Gold bath its general! and fpeciall place. There is a lace_ or the Gold. ibuf P f Aquibufdane The Hebrew word here ufed for gold, im 1 eth its fhinir.g auto infelloet beauty fplendor or flavour. And hence it is applyed an to the rudi, i. e. non- pure oyle,which cafleth a colour like Gold. The beautyof gold dumolaborato is a verygreat attraetive : Silver (as was toucht before) calls out feddef`ecaiLUii- 9 define ; and fo Both the beautyof Goldmuch more. And there- haberra¡1 n fore while the Apofile reduceth all that is in the world toathree dore,erjvore. E e 2 fold