212 Chap.28. Expojition upon the Book of J o m. Verf. Y. fold lull (t John Z. 16.) The loft of thefiefh, The heft of the eyes, and thepride of life: he by the loft of the eyes meaneth riches, be- chufe they confïaingchiefly in gold and flyer, the eye is fo eafi- ly taken with their beauty, and the tuft of covetoufnefs fo quick- ly enflamed by them. This was Achans fnare and confelfion(Jofh. 7. 21.) When d faro among the [poiles agoodly Babylon; fh garment, andtwo hundred fhekels offilver, and a wedgeofgoldof fifty fhekels weight What then ?ThenI coveted them, and took them, &c. His eye afie&ed, or rather infeted his heart ; He no fooner faw the filver and the Gold, but he was inrangled with their beauty. Though (as we fay) all is not gold that glitters, yet all gold is glifferrng; and the glifircingof it is not onely pleating, but be- witching. Again, The Original word bywhich gold is here expreffed, lignifies properly that gold which is yet undefecared, or not re- fined by theart and labour of man. Therefore fob (peaks here exa&ly, There isaplacefor thegold,. Where they fine it. Mr.Rroughton renders,Aplace forgoldsrefining. Our tranfiation learns to fpeak of the gold-fibers work-houfe and furnace, which is the place where they refine it.Yet others conceive that job' isnot here 'peaking of the artificialplace where the gold is refi- ned, but of the natural place fromwhich the gold is taken, that it . may be refined ; And therefore,thofe authors doe not render the text,; as we, There is aplacefor thegold, where they fine it, But, There is aplace for the gold, whence they fine it ; That is, There is get Fudit a°place from whence they take it to fine or refine it. The word fundendopur- dotes the melting, and fo the purging of metals. Gold is fined gavit, when the drofs and _ imputer partsof it are feparated by fire,_ The fining pot (faith Solomon, Pro. 17. 3.) it for filver, and the furnacefor Gold ; but the Lord tryeth the hearts. The art of ref?n- ing metals is fevers' times alluded to in Scripture, to Phew the power of the Spirit immediately, or of the word and rod through the power of the Spirit, to purifie both heart and life from the drofs of finful corruptions. The Hebrew text is very concife, being flri&ly read thus ; A place for theGold, they fine. And hence, we fupply the word, where, and others the word, whence, foa third fupply the relative word,.