Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. eon. Expofition upon the Book, of J o a. Verf. Z. 21 3 word, which, rend ring the claufe thus ; There is aplace for the Gold which they fine ; Implying that the gold is nor takenour of the earth, or found upon the earth pure, but droffie ; fo that when cis got our of its place, there's more work to be done with ir. God having given man wifdom and skill nor only to findgold, but to fine and purifie ir. Gold bath little beauty as it is taken immediately from the earth, 'cis the beautiful when then earth or drofs is taken out of ir. And how much or how often fo ever Gold is refined in the fire it looferh nothing but itsdrofi.There is aplace for the Gold, where they fine it. job having fpoken of filver and Gold, procetds to (peak of Iron and Brays. Verf. 2. Iron is takenout of the earth, and Brafs is melten out of the 'tone. There are baler metals, yet God bath laid up thefe in the fame A,Pmitur cïe great (tore-houfe ofNature,The earth.lron is taken out of the earth, pulvere. Hebb or, out of the duff, Though Iron be a metal inferior to gold and filver, yet Iron is a very ufeful metal, and in regardof ufefulnefs no way inferior to Gold or filver. And herein we fee the good providence of God, that Iron which is a metal of fuch common ufe, is to be found focommonly. As every Country needs Iron for their ufe, foevery Country bath or may get Iron, though fome know not the ufe of it. Thole metals which arc molt neceffary, and are moll imployed in the fervice of man, are moff eafily attai- ned by man : Whereas mines of Giver and the place of Gold, are found rarely, and attained hardly. The naturalifi allo takes no- Plinius1;34, tice of the earths univerfal produaionof Iron, in anfwer ro that C. 54. univerfal ufeof ir, in tillage and Archire6ture, and even in all the Eerrumli affaires both of peace and war, Iron (as force have called ir) metallorum is the bell and worfi inflrument of life : For by this we till the pretiouttimum, ground, cut timber, hew (tones, and rifle fabricks, we can fcarce necegtateta. doe any thing with-out Iron. 'Tis allo put to many other, though menprimum: neceffary, yet fad Lifts. Toofe killing inftauments, fwordsand fpeares are made of Iron, which are often imbrued in theblood of the flair, and devoure the flelh of whole Nations. Iron is in- firumental to the cruelty, wrath, and rage of man, as well as to the indufiry and labours of man. Iron is taken out ofthr earth, fo arc filver andgold too ; yet it is not laid of filveror gold, that they