214 Chap. 28. 1An Expofîtion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. a they are taken our of the earth 'Tis only faid, There isa veins for thefilver,andaplacefor the gold,But when becomes to Ironhe faitf,lron is takenout ofthe earth. The reafon may be,becaufe Iron is not fo much refined in nature, but lookes more like earth then Lapis fufus ter. flyer and Gold. Againe, when he faith, Iron is tak,sn oat of the Heb. i.e. ni- earth, it may imply that Iron is found neerer thefurface of the hitaliude¡l,es earth then flyer is, guar; lapis igne liguatur. And brafe it molten oat oftbe/lone, 1Esfitex lapi- Or according to the Hebrew, Braffe is amoltenflans. There is de.erofo,guenn a Hone which- is the ore of brats, or the ore of brafs is a (lone, votantCadnti- which being melted or molten becomes brafs ; Beare is molten aamiPlin.1.24' oat of thefione, that is,the flone being molten,chen it appears to be lErefíveluti brafs, or then the brafsappeares. Brats is incorporated' or con- lapidi incorpa- corporated with the f}otie, and is therefore laid tobe molten out rattan; He- of the flane.There is other mettalis betides thefe four mentioned twat edamfub by fob, Tin, and Steel, and Copper, but thefe three or anyo- haccomple£tan. Cher are a kin to or may be reckoned under force of thofe four, Cur cFialybem. Y merc. or thofe four are fet down fynechdocbically tocomprehend all o- ther metals. From thefe two verles in generall obferve Theart of finding out, melting, fining, and refining Metals, bathbeen very ancient, When Alojesbad Paid (Gen. 2. a r.) there is Gold in the Land ofNavilah, it thews that then they fought for Gold. And when he adds (v. ¡2.) The gold of that land was good, it argues char then they had the skill of trying, and foof dillinguiñingwhich Gold was belt, We read ofTubal-Cain ((een, 4. 22.) Who was an inflrsitte. of everyartificer in Brats and Iron. The word which we render ro the texr, an Infiruiler, lignifies properly a whetter, which Both imply either thedulnefs of menscapacity about chofe inventions, till they were whetted by a Maf}er of chofe Arts ; or that Tubal.Cain, did whet and flit up their affcd#ions to the pra6ìce of shofe bard and laborious Arts. And tome of the lear- ned conceive that the Heathens alluded to this name Tubal Cain, in the name Vulcan, whom they let upas their godof Smiths, and Metal-men, or as their Mafler Smith. Again, From Jobs (cope in mentioning the Minerals, trine ly,.