Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. An Expo/;tion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 2; 22a I (hall now give fome more particular obfervations from thefe two verfes ; Surely there it a vein for the Silver, and a placefor the gild, &c. Hence Note ; Fire, God barbgiven Ivory creature a fpecialplace, andmetbo- diz'd them all in aJngularorder. No one place bath all, or all are not to be had in every placeó Silver bath a veinby it fell, and Gold bath a place for it felf. That earth which yields Iron, yields not brefs, and the lone out of which brats is molten, makes no Iron. The wifdom of God bath fecled'the courfe of nature fo, as may bel advance a mutual intercourfe among men. Deborah faid in her fong (lads. 5. 2e.) The Starrs in their courfes fought againfi Sifera.The Starts are in order. Rod as the Starrs of heaven are in order, fo there is an or- der among the (tones and mineralls of the earth, yea among all thingsupon and under the earth. There is a veinfor the Silver. What is a vein ? 'cis but a fmall particle to the whole body of the earth. Hence Note, fecondly ; Godbath given us the creature in a doe proportion to our need and u(e. We have val quantities of gridsand corn of trees and loots, of beats feeding on the earth, of fowls flying in the air, of ñthes fwimmtng in the Sea,becaufe thefe areneceffary for the fup porc of life But Gold and Silver being only acceffories and orna- ments of life,are rarely found, andwhere they are,'tis but beret little and there little, Thcrc is but avein for theSilver, anda place for the God Where they finsit. Hence Note, thirdly, Art perfeCfs nature, Trees and plants are much advanced in their vertues and fruit; fulnefs by the art of man, and foare bealla and birds, and fo are the asaçu_.