Chap. 28. /fin Expafition upon the Boob, of B. Verf, 2. 223' If the men of the world doe but hear where the rich veines of Silver,or the place for Gold is co be found,in any parr,the furtheß part of the world, they will falle through a thcutand deaths and dangers to come to ir. Whether will not the deliire of Gold end uid Silver carry the Cons of men? what undertakings is there fo hazzar- reed non mot= póflora dous (chat I fay not wicked and unrighteous) which mans hun- cogit Aur; fa ger after Gold , will not pur, yea , force him upon?what ftone- cra fame:. walls,yea, what laws and promi es,oaths and covenants bath not Hcr this hunger broken through ? Owhen thall we fee the fpirics of men drawn out to undertake fuch voyages, fuch long voyages to find out that which is better then Silver, and to feek that , unto which cold is but drofs !Whenthan we fee fuch travels underta- ken for the precious things of heaven ! what a fin and flume is it that the moll of men are fo far from undertaking far travels to . find them, that theywill fcarce fiep over the thre(hnld to receive them when they are offered at their own, doores. But as Chria (aid of thatgeneration, fo we may fay of this. The Qu eon of the South {half rife rap, in judgement with the men 'ftb,generation, . and conderr,n them,for fhecamefrom the uttermoi parts oftbe earth to hear the tofdom ofSolomon, andbehold a greater thent Solomon is here (Luk. r r. 31.) ThatQueen made a long journey to So. lomons Court,becaute it was the place ofwiCdom ; but manyme* of this generation are loath to take the fhortell journey to the poll: of wifdom, or to the place where his wifdom.may be heard andhad, who is greater thenSolomon. God who at funky timer, and in divers manners, fpake in times pall unto the Fathers by the Prophets, bath in thefe lafl dapsfpoken unseen by hie Son,(Hcb, Y; r)_2.,) the Son of God Spike to us inperfon when abe was ton earth, and he (till fpeakes to us fromHeaven, by his word and Spirit in the Gofpel;and he (peaks to us of that which is infinite- ly more defireable then Gold and Silver, after which there is fa much fearching,,even the unfearchable riches of Grace, and yet bow few regard or look after him, or what he makes report to them of. Sixthly, Obferve; Tbofe things are moflvalstable by men, whichare rareand hard to comeby. Icon and Btafs,but cfpccìally.Gold a_nd Silver fart f_o, and for that