2 4 Chap. 28. An Expofition upon the nook of J Verf.2; that reafon have a higher eflimation among men, then their na- tive excellency and ufefulnefs (though that be verygreat)would raife them to. It is laid, that in the dayes of SolomonSilver was nothing accountedof(s Kings./o.2r.)Not that the Silver of chofe dayes had loft any of its native vertue or value, but the exceeding plenty and commonnefs of it, not only brought down the ac- count of ir, barnacle it (as that textfpeaks) ofno account. It is laid (t Sam, 3. z.) The ward of the Lord was precious in tlife dayes. But is the word of the Lord lefs precious at one time then at another? It is not in regard of its intrinfecal worthyet; at fome- times it is of ahigher rate, and comes to a better market among men. When is that ? even when it is rarely had and heard ; for fo it follows in that place of Samuel, There wasno open vifion. The befl things are more valued by the want andfcarcity of them, then bythe verge and enjoyment of them. Gold is the King of mettais; as the Sun in the Heavens, fo is Gold upon the earth. There are many confiderations (to touch that only by the way) which raife and heighten theexcellency of it ; fira, it loofetbnot by the how long foever boyled there, Secondly, Gold is medicinal, 'cis a great cordial; Phyfitians commend and appoint the ufe of it,as a reflorative to nature. Thirdly, (which advanceth the value of it beyond all this.) The gifts and graces of the Spirit are fhadowed out by ir. The Golden oyl (which was emptied through the two golden pipes (Zech. 4. z2.) what was it, but the wifdom and grace of God, flowing from Chri(} into all his members.? Grace wrought in us, efpecially as working in us,is at once compared to and prefer'd before Gold,( Pet. r. 7.) That the trial' of your faith, being much more precious then of Gold that perifheth, &c.' Gold is pure,ro is Grace; Gold is refplendent and beautifu!,fo is Grace ; Gold is lafling and durable,fo is Grace. For though the Apo(lle Peter reckons Gold among corruptible things, compared with theblood of Chrifi, yet Gold in it felf is free'ft from cor- ruption, and i3 reckoned among Thole things which corrupt nor. Fourthly,Ch;ifl himfelf was typed by Gold.The mercy -feat or propitiatory of Gold, was an illuflricus type of Chriff. (Exod, 2S, 37.) And thou fhalt make, a mercyfeat ofpure Gold, &c. And thus Chri(i is defcribed by the Spoufe (Cant. S. r z. ) bi, head le as the moflfine Geld, &c. Solomon, Temple was lined with Gold, figuring the purity of Chrifl. And the ntva Yerufalem is of pure Gard