Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. An Expofition upon the Boor ofJ o B. Verf. 2 22%» Gold, (Rev. 2r.r8.) All thofe Scripture allufions are high corn- mendacious of Gold. That is the bell of things to which the bell things are compared ; -yet that which makes Gold of fuchefleem among men, is the rarenefs and difficulty of obtaining it, as well as the goodnefs and excellencyof ir. Yea in force places glafs- headsand childifh babies are valued more thenGold,becaufe they are more rare andharder to come by then Gold. Seventhly, By way of caution from the ufual event of what is fpoken ofin this text, Obferve, Thofe things which are excellent in themfelves, prove oftenhurt- full toman. Gold and liver are the molt pure and precious things in na- tures treafury, yet they often prove theBrea tell debafers and de- filersof man. I can tell you of Gold andSilver, ( the word and ordinances of God) which as they are pure in their own nature, fo they purifie us, in the ufe of them, and the morewe ufe them, the more they purifieus. And though to thofe who are pure (as the Apolle fpeaks, Tie. r. z 5.) all things (even Gold and Silver) are pure, while they receive and ufe them purely yet they who are pure are in danger of defilement by the ufcof thofe things,be- caufe through remaining impurity, their affections are apt to run out inordinately after them, or tobe taken with them, ( that is,to take them into their hearts, whereChrilt alone fhould be) while they take them into their hands. Gold hath a kind of incorrup- tibility in it,yet how Both it corrupt the mind of man ! To delire Gold is finfull, though to have it be not ; uálefs we delire fpiri- tual good things as well ashave them the having of them Both us no good ; but worldly things are goodonly to chofe who have them without deiring them. The old Poet called the delire of Gold Sacred,by the figure of contrary fpeaking. His meaning was, that the delire of Gold is a molt wicked delre ; and experience hath caught us, that it bath caufedmany to doe wickedly. while Gold [pears, all other things are fpeecblefs. The unjufl Judge Non fine auto hearts not the cry of the poor, nor the voice of the Law, if once knees exargeia Gold and Silver found in his ears. The Natural Hiftoriandif- tó negraspro. coarfeth elegantly to thispoint ; Silver id bright , but it makes mirañtur,g" blacklrnes upon the body; and !Silver preffed upon the heart by Pine, G the