Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 2. 227 Brafs, (noting the Grecian) and the legs of Iron, and the feet part Iron and per Clay, implying the Roman Monarchy in the feveral divifions of it. 'Tis an honour to there mettalls that God in them hath fhadowed out the beginning and progrefs of all worldly governments, till himfelf (hall fet up a Kingdom or a Govern- ment which (hall never have an end. Laxly , As there four mettais are made Life of in that Scrip- ture, to fet forth the flute and changes of the kingdomes of this world fo other Scripture make Life of there four mettalls, to (hew the purea renovations and reformations of the Church of God, (Ifa. 6e. 57.) For brats I will bring Gold, and for Iron( will bring Silver, and for wood Brats, and for Ames Iron. At lax we (hall have Gold for Brats, and Silver for Iron, and Brats for wood, and Iron for cones. This will be an happy change ; For chofe adminiarations which were but as flonec,we (hall have Iron, which is better thenfiones ; and for chofe which were but as wood, we (hail have Brats, which is better then wood ; and for chofe which were but asIron, we (hall have Silver,which is better then Iron ; and for tbofe which were as Brats, we (ball have Gold, which is better then Brafs,even the bea ofall metals; And when this (ball be fulfilled, I (faith the Lord) will make thineOfficers peace, andthine exaúors righteoafnefs; Nor is it to be forgotten, that the old Poets havediaributed the whole life of the world . into four ages, and defcribed them by there four mettais. The Gelden age waswith them the fira,and the Silver age was'fecond, the Brafen age was third, and the Iron age they make the lea and worn age of the world. But the ,Scri ure faith there (hall be a golden age in the lax age, or _towards the latter end of the isa age of this world (1,14.1.35.)f will purelypurge away thy drofs,and take away tby tin, and Iwill relive thyfudgesas at the fill, and thy coonfellers as at the beginning, &c. Thus the Golden age (hail come about again ; things (hall be reaored as at the fire, as at the beginning, when the world was in its virginity, and had not received the lean defilement from the lull and pail-ions, from the wrath and unrighteoufnefs of men. After we have been under Brats and Iron, after we have been under hard bondage, we (hall come toa blcf ed, to a Silver, and Golden liberty, peaceand pu- rity. The Lord, *t tall, will furni(h the Nations of the earth with fuch rulers and officers, with rulers and officersanoynted w íh G g 2 fuch