z,a8 Chap. 28. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.;. fuch a Spirit of juilice and judgement, of wifdom and under- ftanding, with fuch a Spirit of faithfulnefs, and of the fear of the Lord, that they (hall be to us, as Chris himCelf, equally and impartially difpencing both rewards and punithments, maintain- ing the right and reeking the peace and profpetity of all that are fubjea to them. And when we fee this come to pars, The fe- vouth angel (as'tis prophecyed, Rev. it. i s.) roil! foundhis Trumpet, and we (hall heargreat voices in Heaven (TheChurch of God) ¡aying,The Kingdoms of this world are become the King- domes ofthe Lord, and ofbis Chrift, andhe (hall reign for ever and ever. This Golden age is the faith and patience of the Saints, or that, which they throughfaith, are)perfwaded will come, and through patience will wait, keeping the way of God, till it cometh. lob having afferted that there is avein for Silver, and a place for Gold, that the earth yields Iron, and that there is a (tone out ofwhich brais is molten ; proceeds toPhew the indultrious inge- nuityof man in rearch out and getting there and feveral other hidden treafures. Verf. 3. Ha fettetb an end to darknefs. It is here queftioned who is the antecedent of this, befettstk, who is that ? Some underfland it of God ; he, that is,God fettetb an end to darknefs. Others, of man, or of the miner, who deals with minerals ; we may reconcile both opinions, and conclude, !Mk ad doni that God through the wîfdom and power which he hash given num ethoc et unto man lets an end to that darknefs which covered there fuba verb° amnia - guentia refarr tcrranean riches from the open light. gui horum in- ventionem ha- He fetteth an end to darknefi. conceda', I that there %Iiould be no darknefs at all ? is there not inim a perpetual and reciprocal) intercourfe of darkeners and light, Neu.. night and 'day ? how is it raid then that he fees an end to darknefs ? the meaning is, either Fir(l, that the miner digging down into the bowells of the earth for mettall, meets with darknefs and nothing but darknefs, yet by bringing in light, either the natural light of the Sun and ayr, or the artificial light of Lamps and Candles, he lets an end e) darknefs, where there was nothing but datknefr,till he let in the light, Second-