Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. An Expofìtior.upon the Book ofJo B. Verf. 3. 229 Secondly, Hemay be laid tojet an end to darknefs, by bnging tholemeads and precious things up into the light, which till then lay hidden in the bowels of the earth. The Artia delivers thefe In tenebris la_ prifoners of darknefs, and (hews them in the open Sun. Thus tenria pecans him; afpicere he puts an end toda;kàcfs. Ic is the honour of man, that he by facir,in lucern his wiCdom and diligence fees an end to much darknefs, to the ea producit. darkneCs of many things, that no eye law before. And it is the Druf. glory of Cod that he will at 1a(+ let an end to all darknefs, to all the darknefs of trouble and forrow, in which his own people are often wrapped, as allo to all the darknefs of the counfellsand wayes and wickednetfes of the mot+ referved and clofefl politi- cians, of whom the Prophet faith (1/4.29.15.) They reek deep to hide their coupfelfrom theLord, and their work id in the dark, and they fay, who us ?and who knoweth us? that is,furely none cloth. Of all thefe dark workes and workers in the dark. The Apofile hash warned us (1 Cor.4. 5.) 7 o judge nothing before the time, untilithe Lord come, who willbothbring to light the bidden things of darknefs,and will make manifefi the councells of the heart. and then(hall every man havepraife of God. There is nothing hid but it (hail be feen, God will make thorough lights in the world, he will make thorough lights in the counfels1 and actions of men. Manputs an end to the darknefs of many things,both natural, civil and fpiritual;butGod will put an cad to the darknefsof all things. Tis his glory , and his alone to doe ir, to let an end to all darknefs. and fearcheth out all perfeilion. Mr Broughton re s, Hefearcbetb out the ufe of all things:- The perfeetionof Wing is the ufe or ufetulnefs .of it ; and fo to fearch out the true and proper ufe of a thing, is to fearch out the perfellion of it. We may expound the words two wayes. Fist+, He fearcheth out the moll perfeti mettals and precious gems. Secondly, He fearcheth out the perfeetion of metral nd pre= cious gems. This is the natural mans purpole and defign in all hisfearches, he would Cearch out all perfe&ion, or the perfe6lion of all, nor is he fatisfied till he find ir. Hence Obfetve, Fire+, There is aperfeblien in everycreature according to itsflats and kind, There