Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

ego Chap. 28. An Expoi-tien upon- the Book of J o &, Verf. 3; There-ii a perfe&ìon in Gold and Silver, in Brats and Iron, in Bones and trees ; there is a perfe&ion in all natural things : as man, fo a very thing elfe was created in a natural perfc&ìon. And though that original perfe&ion of the creature be much Brained and abated by the fin of man ; yet there is fomewbac of perfet c- onremaining in every thing ; the belt of every thing according to its kind, is the perfe&ion of it. Secondly, Note ; t'i'tanmay attain to andcomprehend the perfettion ofthe crea- tare. He may compafs that perfection. Davidfaith (P[4.119. 69.) I have flanan end ofall parfettion, bat thy Commandement is ex- ceeding broad.¡Theend of a thing may be taken two wayes,either firs, for the belt and utmofi worth of it, or fecondly, for the laic or period of it. Davidhad not feen the endof all perfe&ions in this latter fence ; he did not fee the laft man born (as we fay) nor the period of the world;that hath continued many ages fince; but he taw the end of all perfe&ion in the former fence, he law the bell and utmoft worth of every thing. As if he had faïd ; I havefan or known both byfaith and experience the bell of the crea- ture,and have gone to the out/ide of it ; I know the bell of ricbes,and the bell ofhonour, and the befl of pleafure ; I have fan the utmofi that the perfebíionoftbefe things can yield orgive out; I bave had them in their bight and prime : the fweet and great things ofthe World , the palm-es andhonours of it, bave made fait to me that I would entertain them, and fl bave fanwhat they are, and *bat they are able to doe forms, or any man elf that bath a mind to matte a tryal of them.As a gracious heartinenjoyment of tem- poral things,(pirituallyTeeth their utmo(l perfe&ion,whac they can make and amount to : So an Attift may find out the natural perfe&ion of things, and improve them ro the armor} (+retch and extenfion of their vertue and value. Ir is far more difficult to find oche perfe&ionof civil things in a fpiritual way,chen of na- tural things in an artificial way. Reafon and (Rudy may reach the latter,but grace only and a p, inciple of divine light can reach and difcernthe former. Zophar faith (Chap. at. 7.) Canfl thou by leeching findout God ? Canfl thou find out the almighty unto perfeUion ? Man by fearching may find out many of the perfeeti- ens