Chap. x$. 44 Expoftionupon. the Book of J o B. Verf. 3. OWof God, but no man can find out God to perfection ; yea though man may find out the perfe6tions of many creatures, yet noman (foce Adam inhis created perfertion) could ever find out the creature toperfe6tion.. Thirdly, Note ; The perfttlionevenofnaturalthings, is not to be found without pars and fearchtng, /When man hash got the rich metralls, and the precious Roues 4 fearching, he mull make another fearch, before he can find but their perfeaion ; when he bath fearched for them, he mu& alto fearch into them. Philofophershave been called the Secreta- ries of nature, bccaufe thel;yvere fo intimately acquainted with the fecrets of nature. But they attained this honour with a great deal of Rudy and paines. Now if natural things cannot be found' out in their perfe6licnswithout muchpains, much more mull we fearch painfully for fpirituaf things, before we attain any of their perfeetrons. Qwith what Rudy and paines, with what prayers and fears fhould we fearch the mines of Scripture, to find out Chrift there,who is the perfection of all things,together with the precious things of divine wifdom and knowledge laid up in them, or rather in bim ! that, Godgives the knowledge of C,ofpel mi- Reries, and leads us byhis fpirit into all truth, mull not abate, much lefs take offour (lady, for the finding of them out. If the perfcdtion of natural things cannot be attained without travel, then t=mach lets can the perfetllon of fpiritual things, Fourthly, Obferve ; We are neverfatisfled till wefind out the bell of natural things,. Mandoth notrefl in this or that degree of attainment, he would be ar the top of all. He never flops his enquiry , till he isadvanced as far as he can go. This again reproves many in theireafnefs tobe fatisfied about fpirituals. A little ferves the turnwith moll, many are at the endof their fearch, before they come to the beginning, much lets to the perfection of holy know- ledge ; they can flay in the (hell and outfide of foul-faving truths, whom nothing contents but an arrival at the kernel and. ..a=rrow, at the bight and perfcions of naturals._ job zar