Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. An Expofation upon the Boot. of Jo B. Verf. 4. 23 s Even the waters forgotten cfthe foot. 'T"hole wordcs, (Oven the waters) are not in the Hebrew, as you ínay fee in your Bibles, they being put in a different chars&er, but waters are comp7ifed in the flood. We read even the waters forgotten of thefoot,; the Hebrew is only thus , The flood breahetb out from the inhabitant forgotten of the foot. VVhy Both he Say forgotten ofriefoot ? bath the foot a memory, or how can the foot be faid to forget ? I anfwer this is fpoken imp-operly, or metaphorically ; And thus forgetfulnefs is afcribed both to the foot and hand. David faith, (Pfal. t 37. 5.) Let my right band forget ber cunning. Here Job faith, Even the waters forgotten of the foot; the meaning is only this, they are fuch waters as the foot of man on beaft had) no acquaintance with, or fuch as the foot had never any experience of. This forgetfulnefs of the foot is nothing elfe but the ignorance or inexperience of men, who walk upon their feet. Mr. Broughton renders, Vnkenncd of any foot, that is, of any man moving on bis feet. Some waters arc made by the foot, and many are pafisb',e by men on foot. Of the former Mofes fpeaks, (Dent. i t. to.) The land whether thon goefi in to pofofs it, is not as the land ofEgypt, fromwhence ye came out, where thou fowedfix thy feed, and wateredf} it with thy foot, as a Garden of herbs ; that is, thou didli but dig channels from the River Nilers with thy foot, when thou waft in Egypt, and fo (that being a flat Country) the land was watered. VVith luth waters the foot is well acquainted, or the tr .racers remembred by the foot. Thus alfo a River that a man may eafily paffe over, Torrenrer non may becalled a River remernbrcd by the foot, by the feet of cat- ex eoruRmnu- rie, and by the fete o! men, which have often paffed through ira mere qui regio- 'But fubterranean Myrtes a*c fuch as the foot never paired fúbt aneief fed through, and are rue ,;foe ,~ or f, om the knoxledge of than as chofe things which are uttcr°y fa:'f,ci-en. So this is a dei ún;pr,rfu s fcription of under-grot:nd t : ere, bre k'ng forth , and driving ignoti Bez, thole away who were at ,vork rr the precious mines. For as Torrens rom thofefivers which, running in fight upon the face of the Earth, rofu:l,:usue are yet fo deep that noro o can or ever could wade over theme maluspareum rÌOrír en (luth was chat'River made by rile waters of the Saatîuary, through tus sr,i. e., which the Propher at°ftrfl was brought in viEon, and the waters tranfreritetat Wire to the ankles, and a: the fecond cime theywere to the knees crante t; H h 2 it Pitt.