Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

chap. 28. An E.vpofitionupon the Book of J o B. Verf. S. 2`3,7 Great Ivor kc and undertakings often meet with *any difficul- ties and unexpetied impediments. The miners are overflowed with wafers. What important bum fuels of this World is there, but a flood may break in upon i ? and the more important any bufinefs is, the more. will -floods break in uponir., And this appeares moll when cur bufinefs is Heavenward , and our work in fpirituals, then if ever the great waters arife and threaten to fwallow us up : Saran will call forth a flood to hinder us whenwe are digging in the fpirirual mines. When the woman (Rev. 12. 1E.) had brought forth the man- child, and was fled into the Wildernefs for fafety, then, the Serpent (y. a s.) caff out of hie month watersas a flood after the woman, that he might caufe ber tube carried away of the flood ; that is, he furred up people and . Nations like a flood to perfe cure and affli61 the Church, even in her Wildernefs condition.Andwhen euer any particular believer bath brought forth, or is about to bring forth a man child, force notable thing for Chrifl, or according to the mind of Chrif't, then prefently Satan cabs our, or caufeth force flood or other to break out upon him. When . Jofoeah flood before the Lord to move in thebehalf of the people, Satan was at hie right band t o hinder him (Zeeh. 2. t.) and he caufed the flood, of that peoples fins to break forth upon him. When we are about any fpirirual work, the flefli hinders, a flood of corruption breaks out. Paul found it fo (Rom. 7.) when I would do good evil is prefent with me. And if the flood of corruption within be flops, then a flood of temptations from the World comes in and hinders us. The=wifdom of the World layetb blocks in our way, telling us that the Cuflomes and Examples of men lead another way : And why fhould we be fingular, or fct our felves up as a mark for envie and malice to 1lhoot at ? when we attempt what is good and honourable, it is befl for us to expccland accordingly to prepare for oppofition. The Apoflle Peter (a Ep' 3. s 3.) had, no fooner faid, And who is bethat will . harmyou, if ye be followers of that which is good ? Butt, headds (v. 4.) by way of cor- reetien, And if ye 6e perfecuted for righteoufnefs fake happy are ye. As if he had faid, do good, keep 'dole to duty,"and none can really hurt you ; and you may hope that God will either fomollìfie the hearts of evil men that they (hall have no mind, or fo