Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

238 Chap. 28. An ,Expofstion ttpon the Beak of J.o s. Verf. 5 foabate their power , that they filet- have no opportunity to berme you; yet do not build upon this, but I will tell you what you may build upon , that let men oppofe and perfecute you as much as they will, while ye do good, ye are happy, Secondly, obferve, The men oftheworld will not giveover their work,, though they meet with impediments, bat endeavour firongly to remove them. And why (hould not we do fo in fpirituals? the children of the world are wifer in their generation then the children of light. VVe are ready to let goe our work, if we meet with trouble in it. Shall miners recover thei work out of the handy of the flood, and (hall not we recover our work out of the hand of temptati- on ? let us remove it, and to árò;k again. it is faid; of that man offin (z Thef. 2.7.) Themi/fery of iniquity loth already work only he who now lettetb will :let, until! be be taken out of the way, So while we are at work in ',the millery of Godlinefs, we often meet with fomewhat that lets, and that will let till it be taken out of the way. Our work then muff be to remove the hindran- ces of our work. Learn wifdom of the miner, if the floods break in uponyou,out with them again. Verf. 5. As for the Earth, out ofit cometh bread r and under it is turned up as it werefire. in the former verfe Pb (hewedwhat man getsbelow out of the bowels of theEarth, and what adoe he 'makes to get ir. E Here at thebeginningof this verfe, Job tells us what mangets above, or what Growsfor mans ufe upon the furface of the'Earch. As for the Eartb, out of it comes bread. 'By bread, he meaner Corneor grain of all forts, of which bread is made ; bread is an artificial thing ; Corn is; natural ; the Earth gives forth odly that which is natural, the arc of man fits it for his ufe.`ivian knower how to till the Earth that it may yield him Corn, and when be huh gotten Corn, he is infiru&ed how to make it up in bread. Thus we fee, that asman bath skill to work below in the bowells of the Earth, fo above upon the furface of the Earth; out of the bowels of theEarth hegets Gold and Silver, with other precious