24,2 Chap.28. 14n Expofstion capon the Book. of . j o ss. Vert. 7. have Paid that the heart filled with heavenly delires, is fitly fha- dowed by theearth, in `which Saphires are formed and found and that the mind which is enrichedwith fuck de fires , is full of fpiritual gold. As for the proper and natural gold, that hach been fpokcn of at the firfi verfe of this Chapter. And therefore I 11a11 here only make one General reference, by way of obferva- Lion from this verfe. That, weought to admire the wiflans ofGod, whobath made the fame earth to yield fucb varieties to yield fupplyes, firfi, for ne. cefïìty, bread and fire ; fecondly,for ornament, Saphires andgold. Though no one earth yields all things, yet one earth may yield many things, and the whole earth yieldsall things required to the fervice, or for the comfort of man. fob having (hewed that the earth is flaredand evenburdened with thefe rich commodities, profecutes the famematter,yet up- on another confideration in the following.context. Verf. 7 There is apath which nofowl kyoweth, and which the Vnituru eyebathnot fern. Vetf. 8. The Lyons whelps have not troden it, nor thefierceLy- on paff by it. thefe two verfes yobdefcribes the fecrefie of choreplaces, where the gold and gemms, with all precious Minerals areto be found.And he loth it by affirming that the wayes leading to them are far removed out of the fight and tread of thole creatures which have the moll piercing eyes,and the moti fearching fpirits, . commonly frequenting the darken caves and deepefi vallcyes of the earth for prey. There is apath. That is, a path bywhich men leek for gold, and are leddown to the veins of filver.. Which no fowl knewetb. That is, no fowl ever was there; The word tranflated Fowl, fignifyeth, a ravening fowl. Such fowls fly fwiftly, and watch every place narrowly where their food is to be had ;, yet (faith job) the paths which lead to there creatures are fuch,as themoli ravening fowls las:all their flights were uevet acquainted with. Ka in pro- prriè ilenotat a- Ivcmuoracem.