Chap. 28. an Expojtion upon the Book of Jon. Verf. 8. 243 There W a path which nofowl knoweth, Aud which the Vultures eye hatbnot feen.' The Vulture is Co fharpfgbted, that her eye is proverbially put for 'harpfight; and the Vulture bath a (harp fiomack too as well asa (harp eye, and thereforewill fearch into the moll fe- rret paths for prey, yet the Vulture never came into nor law this path. And as the fowls of heaven have not feen ir, fo neither have the beafts of the earth ; as it follows Verf. 8. The Lyons whelps, (or, thefont of the Lyon.) The Hebrew is, funs of pride. The Lyon is proud and finely, Putant Hebræi u a king among beafis. The fons of the proude(i and fiarelieft '`Neameffe Lyons, bave not trodden this path, or the fierceLyon paled 6y it ; ! g lg;l dii- that is, the Lyon that is moll greedy, and will take molt pains for citurevifus prey,evenhe never came into there places,into which the Minera- perfptuitara lift goes for gold and filver.Then,by this enumeration of fowls & (Deut 14. beafasjob would intimate untous,tbat the paths which lead to the 13.) cæteruna precious minerals,arefuch asno creature ever came inro;and that, in oconjun- the third or defirewhichmen have after them, carryeth them fur- gitur, ergo di- ther then the appetite and pinching hunger of the moti fierce and verfafuntue greedy,whether fowls of the heaven,or beafis of the earth,have e- Jtt conflara,;en ver carted them.The hunger of aVulture or of aLion forceth them ' 1 Kefovi ur far, yet not fo far, as the hunger of manbath forced him in Peeking Mé e-- m and purfuing food for his covetournefs; and when hebath gotten Non caltant e- more then he needs, hishunger is not fatisfied but encrcafed,for amfiti9fuper- fill he thinks he bath need of more c fuch is the eagernefs and biæ.i.c.íæræ fiercenefs of mans appetite afterearthly treafure, that be will trucmtro r r venture a perifhing for perifhing things. His bowels are pained Merc. till he bath torn out the very bowels of nature, that he may fill ?Vno verbs fe- his own; And though his belly be full, though his hand and mitarebusom- houfe are full, yet his heart is empty. He is refilelsin labouring nrbs0 treat:4 for that whichneither will nor cangive him any refs. There hìs al". Jun. males labours in the purfuit of riches, are clearly and fully de- fcribed in the three enfuingverles. Verf. g. Heputtetb forth hie hand upon the rock; be overturn- c eth the mountains by the roots. See what work he makes to get gold and Glver. T i a He