Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

244 Chap.28. a/f+s Expofition upon the Book of Jos. Verf. 9. Heputteth forthbis band ;lathe rock. There wordsmay be taken twowayes ; firft proverbially ; fe- condly, properly.In the former acception,they imply thus much; That there men are willing to undertake the hardeft work for gold, &c. What is harder then a rock ? yet though the work be as difficult as digging through a rock, they will put their hands to it. Secondly, take. the words properly, and the meaning is ; Though while there menwork in mines of the earth, they meet: a rock, yet they put their hands on ir, and hew a way through it. At the4thverfe, floodsof water broke out upon them, and in this theymeet with a rock which they mutt break, or elfe their de- figne is broken, and both theirhopes and labour loft. The word fignifieth the b4rd4 rock, fo that if they will have the treafare, they mu:i batter a rock which hands as aBuiwork of Brafs to defend it againfi them. And yet this is not all ; The nestwords Thew us another Herculeanlabour ;Heovertterneth the mountains by the roots ; or rather,, be turneth up the roots of the mountaines; The meaningis, ifmountainsRand in hisway to binder his work, or if his work be to undermine and remove,mountains , he will attempt anddoe it, that he may attain what he feeks for.Amoun- tain is fpoken of in Scripture emblematically, todenote thegrea- tell difficulties and oppo(tions ofmen tocrofs anydefigne ; Atïd the overturning and levelling of there mountaines expreffeth the highefl aetings of the power of God, in fubduing all difficulties and oppofxtions for the good of his people (Zecb. 4.7.) And when Chrifi would fliers the utmofi that afaithof miracles can doe, He faith, it will remove amountain. And therefore to over- turn mountaines properly fo called, isa fiupendious undertaking; yet the Gold and fïlver-fearchers are not difcouraged at it Verf. so. He cutteth out rivers among the rocks, and his eye feetheveryprecious thing. The former part of this i ®thverfe gives light to the former part of the 9th.There faid, be puttetbforth hie band upon the rock; and here we fee what his hand Both there;, He cuttetb out rivers among the rocks that is,when the miner meets the water, as was Chewed v.4th, thenhe makes channels to conveig it away, and give itpaffage. Some expound it of bringing waters "'OM fprings, through