Chap. 28l Expofition upon the Bak, of J o E. Verf. 9, through rocks to remove his engins, or wafh his metal, but'tis more proper to expound it of waters arifing upon, or about his works Thefe he rids himfelf of, by snaking Water-court s un- derground, even among the hardeíl rocks. And hie eyeTeeth every precious thing. That is, having thus dealt with the rocks, and mountaines, and having made rivers among the rocks, to carry away the water which annoyed and drowned his work, having (I fay) thusor- dered his matters, His eye feeth every precious thing; he Teeth the gold, the (liver, and the gemms, which his foul defired. The oalpo0rabt_ Hebrew word which we render preciouf,fignifieth,fira,thar which lispretioJ'u is áoclourable (Pfd. 4.5.9..) and the Greekword which fignifi. charm (ra- eth, honourable, or honor, is by us tranflatedprecious (a Pet. 2, 7.) rs°fait. Secondly, that which is dear or beloved (fer. 31. 20.) Is E- phraim adear fon ,t Thirdly, that which is mot+ acceptable, or much fet by andpleating (t Sam. IS. 30.) Fourthly, that which is rare 2nd hard to come by (1 Sam. 3. a.) Vithen David faith (Pfa1. I i6. 5.)Preciaus in the fight of the Lord is the death of his Saints. And (Pfel.72. 14.) He fhallredeem their foulfrom. de- ceit and violence a andprecious all their blood be in bis fight, his meaning is, that the deathand blood of the Saints, is dear, much accounted of, and highly prized in the tight of God, though powred out by men as a vile thing. Laflly, and beyond all this,ic fgnifieth, that which is light, or bath a tinning light in it ; for fo molt precious things, efpecially gemms, have. (Zech. 14. 6.) Mon eris lugs And it 'hall come to pafs that the light fh'all not be clear ; îo we pretiofitatunt, tranflate, and put in the margin, The light fliall not be precious ;. die. onf n° that is, the light (hall not thine in that day as a precious fparkling gins, qualirer (lone, but it (hall be a kind of dim duskylight, t (hall neither be gemmepreri darknor clear,but betweenboth .Divineknowledgisprecîous,and Jeoculnfein- it is light ; every foul fits in darknefs till that light Chines into it. ttllarefolunt.. And as this.light is precious, fo their eyes, who have ir, maybe. Said to lee, indeed everyprecious thing, Again, when 'cis Paid, Fiji eye feeds everyprecious thing, the r1tt1 rtofa word rendered to fee,notes nor only (imply to fee,or to fee nut'. infpteere, rally, but to fee exaóly, or an artificial feting. A skilful man faflneth his eye upon this or that objedt, to di(cern and find out which ; he Teeth like as Miff. . Some have, as the Apoflle peaks, /45