246 Chap. 28. an Expofstion upon:be Book of J o B. Verf. z o, fpeaks, (Heb. 5. 14.) Senfes exercifed to di(cern both goo and d e'vtl, and to re(olve which is bell or worfl, among Naturals, Morals and Spirituals. His eye feeth, that is, diflingui(heth every precious thing that he finds in the earth. And as the word im- ports, Peeingdifiinetly and dif}ingui(hingly,foPeeing delightfully. And thus precious things are feen, by chofe who leek for them. Theyare no fooner efpyed, but their feekers are ready to leap and fing forjoy. Thus the mineralifffeeketh every precious thing; Heknows it when he fees it, and it pleafeth him to fee it, Hence Note ; Pirft Precious things aremingled among the vile. How manyheaps of Hones and dull muff be removed, before the filver, the gold,& the goodly (lones are found: As the wheat !yes in the fame heap with thechaff, till it be winnowed, fodoe the preciousores, with the bafefl earth, till they are feparated. Note, Secondly ; The wifemans eye difiingeoipbeth between thepreciousAnd the vide, andknows which is which. Hewill not take trial for gold and hiver, nor pebbles. for Sa- phires ; he will not take chaff for wheat, nor cockle for lastly. Thus fhould we doe in fpirituals,our rye fhould be upon the pre, cious'chings. Grace is* precious thing,faithand love are precious things; and though grace be mingled with corruption, as the ore - wich drofs, yet he that is fpiritually wife can diflinguith between them. The Apoflle prayes for the Philippians, that, their love abounding in knowledgeand in all judgements, they right approve (or try) things that are excellent, or (as the Greek bath it) things that difnr(phil, z. 9, t o.) that is, things that differ in ex- cellency. Thus hat only cloth grace differ from corruption, and truth fromerror,but one grace differs from another inexcellency, and one truth from another, though all are excellent. As in natu- rals, not onlydoth wheat differ from chaff, and gold from drofs, but fore wheat differs fromother, and fore gold from other in excellency. And thus it is both in morals and fpirituals ; And the eye of a godly man feeth both difcerningly, he leech what isgood from bad, and among good things he feeth which is heft. And as it is an argument ofa fpiritual eye to fee things, rfons that are